"yes mister hobbyist,
i donot discount the possibility that those are natural volcanic ejectas ..,its just their presence in some sights thats kind of odd sometimes they could be found mixed with artifacts like jars and plates ..maybe they were collected and kept as things of value?"
Egads! The 'insert quote' function isn't working. Anyways Macsmillion, no need to call me 'mister', we're informal around here
It's not surprising that the eggs are mixed in with jars and plates. I can put forth this hypothetical scenario: non-combatants flee from wartime fighting with whatever necessities they can carry. Possession which are of not great monetary value (but may hold great sentimental and keepsake value to the owner) are quickly hidden in hope of recovering them at a later time. Some of those things may even be stashed in a garbage pit and covered up with some trash.
Attached is a statue (1 of 4) found last year amidst debris, ceramic tiles and junk (I believe it was a garbage pit), near the former site of a wealthy family's house that was razed in WW2. The former JIA HQ of Elopura is but a stone's throw away from that site. My best guess is that the statues found are Fu dogs, door guardians, and all of them had no eyes; maybe the eyes used to be gems? If only artifacts could talk, what tales they could tell.
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