It seems that a lot of people across the pond have been getting all keen on the X.P. Deus , well i bought one when they first came out and bought another as a backup and decided to use it on all of my club digs and some other detecting when i could.
Over about a year i found very little but some other people using it the Deus found good stuff, not me though and that was after having more success with the E.Trac. After a few months i sold one of them and within another 5 months sold the other, i did buy a third !! but soon decided again that it would not change my opinion and sold it again!!!
I dont want to slag the machine off but i personally believe that this machine is not for me .
Why -
1) Tones , the ET has flutty tones that give you so much info on a target that you almost know what you are digging.
2) Numbers, the numbers on the Deus are a little jumpy at times especially on a junky beach, i think they are too sensitive.Good for Roman sites but for U.S. sites ? The ET numbers are very accurate and even if the numbers change slightly, the fact that the ET has FE and CON numbers makes it along with the sound of the target very likely you will know what the target is before you dig. And i know how you Americans love to analyse targets too the hilt before digging LOL , you only have to look at the V3 .
3) Its not as easy as that with the Deus, its more of a hear a target and dig, if you are on a Roman site with low trash you would have a great machine for that but most Roman sites have a lot of hot rocks and coke and the Deus loves coke and although you can notch it to a degree it still seems to get through and notching has a nasty tendency to notch good targets too which a certain Deus fan here in Britain would tell you not to do and just go by sound, well if i could understand the sounds i would but the tones are supposed to be multi but to me they are the same tone that just gets low to high or in other words quiet to louder, and iron gives a dull buzz (most of the time).
4) On the beach i do i have found that the Deus would be and is confusing when you are in non ferrous trash with good targets there, and although the machine is supposed to be the fastest machine out there in terms of recovery , you have to slow down and check slowly , something i dont have to do anywhere near as much with my ET or even my much cheaper X.Terra 705 which i would put up against a Deus any time on Brighton beach tops.
True some people would be very good with the Deus but why would i want a Deus for the beach when there are much more stable machines for the tidal areas and cheaper machines for the tops.
There will be a lot of people who will say that i dont know what i am on about and that the Deus is the best thing since sliced bread but its only as good as the user and i am to Minelabified and always will be and thats why i am waiting for the next instalment of the E.Trac . Then we will see how many of the present Deus users switch back .
This is not a anti X.P. slagging or an anti Deus thread, its just my opinion of the machine and thats why i have the machines i have.
Anyone that has the Fisher 75 or Teknetics T2 should get on with the Deus but if you buy the Deus then you will need the larger coil too and thats another several hundred dollars if you can get one any time soon, i have also had that coil but apart from coverage i did not notice any depth improvement but i only used it on the beach in dry beach mode so you will have to consider that too.
Anyway going by the info i have been reading on other forums in the past you will be able to buy a Deus much cheaper than us here in Europe and its made in France so how come it costs more here in Britain than in the U.S. ?
As for the argument about depth , do you really need a machine with supposed super depth when most targets in the U.S. may only be around 8in down and you dont have Roman, Celtic,Saxon coins to look for like we have here.
Also what are your coins made of ? if they have a lot of iron in them now you will have to run the machine with no discrim so you can get the targets or you will miss them, though when i was using the Deus on the beach it would give a highish irony buzz for the new iron core 1p and 2p coins.
With an E.Trac i would know what to dig if i wanted to waste time on those targets.
In my opinion i would either buy a Whites V3i or the Minelab E.Trac if i was American, here in Britain the targets are much more varied so i have made my choice to stay with the ET, if the Deus had the sounds of the ET and the numbers also it would make a big difference but that machine is in my opinion a screen version of the Goldmaxx Power which i hated because of the lack of a screen.
On the plus side to the Deus , it is extremely light and very sophisticated and that has won a lot of people over but its not any better that the rest of the top end i think, all machines have good and bad sides , even the E.Trac does and the worst apart from the weight is the nulling it does on iron though that can be got around to a degree, slowing down and using a few different settings helps.
As for gold the Deus is very good at picking it up and is better than the ET at nugget hunting but thats not an ET specialisation , could be the reason why the ET is so stable on wet sand which the Deus is not without a lot of tinkering about at times.
Silver, i think there is little difference though very thin silver hammered on end may be unless you are experienced with the ET, better with the Deus, but not much.
Copper and bronze , i think they would have very little difference if any.
Pasture , the ET would be better if they had both had the stock coils.
Ploughed and airy soils , the Deus is better but thats what they are for, and multi freq machines are lousy on air tests so would be affected by the air in the soil more.
My opinion is that they both are very good machines if you like them and there will always be people that will say that one is better than the other.
The thing is that all detectors are a compromise just like the days of the Dreadnought battleships you have to have all or nothing but the cost would put most off or you have to have a certain amount of this and a certain amount of that.
Only trouble with that was that Britain experimented with the idea of the Battlecruiser and that cost a lot of lives when used on the wrong missions.
Its the same with detectors, one may be good on one site and the other could be utter crap and cost you dear on the finds rate.
In an ideal would i would have 1 of all the machines but times are hard at the moment and thats why i will stay with what i know best.
I hope this helps with those who have the Deus in mind. In the right hands it is good in my hands its a light weight walking stick.
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« Last Edit: July 05, 2011, 12:47:03 pm by Rich N »