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« on: August 18, 2014, 04:46:41 pm »
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September the 17th 1862 was The Bloodiest In American History Known as The Battle of Antietam or The Battle of Sharpsburg,

This was the first Major Battle  of The American Civil War, where 22,717 Kind souls either lost their lives or where Wounded or Missing, This makes me wonder if this day is Honoured in some way.

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« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2014, 04:56:11 pm »
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Quote:Posted by Ridge Runner

This was the first Major Battle  of The American Civil War, where 22,717 Kind souls either lost their lives or where Wounded or Missing, This makes me wonder if this day is Honoured in some way.

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Nope.   And to be honest with you, even though we are now in the midst of the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War, I see a whole heck of a lot less interest in it than I did during the 100th anniversary, or even 40 years ago.   Heck for that matter, if you look around at kids nowadays and what they learned, you'd think the VietNam war and even Gulf War I were ancient history and totally irrelevant to life today...As for anything before either of those two, you might as well be talking about the Punic wars.   StarWars seems to be a more historical conflict to many of the under 30 set than anything that happened during the Civil War other than Gettysburg.



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« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2014, 05:03:25 pm »
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What a shame, When so many people Lost their live so The Country Could Progress, and Computer Companies Have destroyed through Greed of making Money So children grow up Ignorant even though the information is there waiting for them.



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« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2014, 05:15:55 pm »
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Quote:Posted by Ridge Runner
What a shame, When so many people Lost their live so The Country Could Progress, and Computer Companies Have destroyed through Greed of making Money So children grow up Ignorant even though the information is there waiting for them.


i wish it were the computer companies destroying knowledge through greed, but I fear it is a much more insidious attack.  Separate a people from their history and their common ground and it becomes easier to separate them from each other and to set them against one another.  (Plus if you separate them from their history, you also separate them from their value systems which means you can indoctrinate them with a new set of values).   A Balkanized country can never be a strong country....A representative republic can be an extremely strong country, so long as its constituent parts and its sovereign people share a core set of common principles and values....remove those and even the strongest and most viable republic quickly degenerates into a conglomeratization of nothingness that even a dictorial central government would not be able to hold together for long.



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« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 05:16:21 pm by BitburgAggie_7377 »
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« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2014, 05:58:15 pm »
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Quote:Posted by BitburgAggie_7377
i wish it were the computer companies destroying knowledge through greed, but I fear it is a much more insidious attack.  Separate a people from their history and their common ground and it becomes easier to separate them from each other and to set them against one another.  (Plus if you separate them from their history, you also separate them from their value systems which means you can indoctrinate them with a new set of values).   A Balkanized country can never be a strong country....A representative republic can be an extremely strong country, so long as its constituent parts and its sovereign people share a core set of common principles and values....remove those and even the strongest and most viable republic quickly degenerates into a conglomeratization of nothingness that even a dictorial central government would not be able to hold together for long.


Amen to that, I have seen this first hand and you can be in the wrong without opening your mouth, and all a person has left are their thoughts and that will change too, I am a little Victorian as in I do think like people did in the 40s 50s and 60s But some things that are now the Norm go against my grain,

People have fought Wars so these people can enjoy their freedom but they forget what other gave up for that freedom, Some times the Price is a little too high,



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« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2014, 08:22:41 pm »
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We'll said BA. Thanks for reminding us.


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