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« on: March 03, 2010, 06:52:13 am »
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Growing up in the sixties and seventies I had often heard stories about a dance hall where my Grandmother met my Grandfather for the very first time. I had listened to Grandma tell of meeting the love of her life and visiting the hall and nearby carnival grounds for many years following. These events would have happened back in the early 1920's along the Tittabawassee River in Saginaw Couty, MI. Later in my teens I had the chance to go on a fishing trip for walleyes along the Tittabawassee and was overwhelmed to discover the dance hall still standing in the original decor of the day, being very weathered but in one piece. It sits about 80 feet back from the bank of the river on the north side and stands as grand and beautiful as grandma said it was. This building is huge, it even has a basement with a truck dock. Through a little research, I found out that the carnival grounds were located to the north of the dance hall and were also grand in size, possibly as many as forty acres. My Grandmother enjoyed telling me of the thousands of people celebrating holidays and attending weekly dances for years. The area directly around the dance hall was a sort of picnic grounds. Grandma said they didnt have picnic tables in those days and that they used to throw a blanket upon the thick grass under the large oak trees. These trees are still standing as majestic as can be, if only they could tell of the coins and treasures lost on these grounds over the years.

The property is privately owned and I am unsure of usable status for coin shooting. The old carnival grounds are now occupied by The Germania Golf Course and take up most of the Eastern side of their property. You can access by boat from a launch 2 miles upriver on the Tittabawassee at Center Rd. or by several launches along the Saginaw River downstream a few miles from where the Tittabawassee empties into it.

This area has very little access and I believe it would hold great rewards for the coin shooting enthusiast. Happy hunting...G7


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« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2010, 11:46:54 am »
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G7, you're right.   If you could get the necessary permissions both those areas would be goldmines (figuratively speaking).


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