This story is from my family, it has been told to me by my grand father, who's father was one of the original group.
The story goes, that while cutting the forest for lumber for a dam that was being constructed, where Quinan Lake empties into Great Bearren Lake. A small group of men had stopped on the side of a big hill to have lunch, they sent one of the men to fetch water from a stream that was near by. when the man got to the stream, he came across gold. He quikly returned to the others and told them what he had found. When the group got there, they saw gold, 3 inches wide and 2 feet long. Since they had no way of removing it with the tools they had, they decided to cover it up and come back later after work to retreive it, but when they came back, they never could find the same place. My grand father thought that it was because one of the other group of cutters, may have covered it up by falling trees over it and making everything look the same.
I have been to the area that my grand father told me to go to. I didn't find the gold post, but I did find molybdonite about the size of a "bic" lighter in the stones around a perticular place that could prove promissing. There has also been many companies surveying the area but not at one place because of the area being very swampy.
If you like the tale and want to know more, just ask.
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