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« Reply #30 on: October 29, 2016, 08:37:32 am »
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Quote:Posted by Mud Max
Yes I will weigh in, despite the uncalled for silly name calling (this is a discussion forum and if you can't respect others opinions why are you here)

I always feel sorry for people who want to detect but live in countries where it's banned or there are silly laws, and I find it even more strange in the land of the free.  You can own a gun but you can't go metal detecting, I know which one would worry me most (correct me if I'm wrong on that).  .  

If you make comparisons to tax paying and general rule breaking and try to justify law breaking, and publicly declare that you will continue your crusade, then you only serve to give the law makers more evidence of why they are right to ban detecting.  There are better ways to do it, as some people have already proved.

Regards His Holiness the Dope.

Uncalled for name calling?? Remember Amish girl, you're the one that came out of your corner safely behind the screen of your puter in mommy's basement "name calling" or labeling me.  Come out swinging on this Injun verbally or physically and I'm going to hit back.  Your own words, "(this is a discussion forum and if you can't respect others opinions why are you here)"  I must ask you the same.  I normally wouldn't be here, however I was invited to come back and post....I did and answered a question about metal detecting in Spain and up pops a self righteous pale skinned **** house barrister from Merry Olde England to count coupe on this obviously weak simple minded Colonial rube.  

As for you "always" feeling sorry for people who want to detect but live in countries where it is banned or has silly laws.  Always!  Really?  I'm saying this is the first time any such thing has ever crossed your feeble mind.  You've never given any thought to metal detecting rules and regulations anywhere other than your own back yard until this subject came up at which time you felt compelled to ride out of your ivory tower on your noble English high horse and condemn me for "breaking the law"...all the while pretty much admitting that you bend and break rules but not to my level, so you're okay.  To quote the famous native American medicine man Lame Beaver, "uugh, him speak with forked tongue"  

I don't hate you Amish girl, I kind of like seeing how much different we really are and would settle into an amicable discussion if you weren't so judgmental.  I'm not about to change who or what I am because you came out against me on here.  Take off your badge constable, have a seat, lets drink a pint and have a friendly exchange on detecting, detectors and finds.  

I'm checking into a detecting trip to England before the weather gets too nasty. Back in the late 80's and again in the early 90's I was on a temporary duty assignment with the US Air Force and we were billeted in a little RAF base in Upwood to attend NCO Leadership School and later the NCO Academy there. I got to swing my detector each night as I rambled the countryside not even considering whether or not it was legal, its just night time was the only time left after a day of studying how to be better robots for the flying circus...etc.  Not nearly as many finds as in Spain but interesting.  I'd like to give it a try as a legal detector tourist and hammer it in the daylight on some known sites.  Hoping that I can swing by and pick up an Onix detector from Blackdog on the way over.  

Oh, before I forget, you never answered the question about what you would do if you found a biscuit tin full of gold coins.  Again would you like to weigh in on that?  As for me, I'd still take it and keep my mouth shut and if that makes me a criminal....well...recognized!


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« Last Edit: October 29, 2016, 11:01:33 am by Ridge Runner »
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« Reply #31 on: October 29, 2016, 09:08:33 am »
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  I spent 5 years at RAF Uxbridge  79 - 85.  Where were you stationed ?  Never did much detecting back then. To much on my plate.  You needed a License free from the GPO of all places to use one. 



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« Reply #32 on: October 29, 2016, 10:52:48 am »
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I didn't do any name calling I simply stated a fact.  Anyone who metal detects in any country and knows they should not be doing it is breaking the law.  It's theft and we all know that. Nobody is riding out on a white horse telling anyone what to do, merely stating that it is what it is.  What would I do if I found a tin of gold coins?  I would hand them in, but I'm lucky that I can legally do that and the value of the coins would have to be paid to me.  A guy in Emgland found a Saxon hoard on a farm. Both he and the farmer received over 1.5 million.

I would love to see the laws changed in many countries, there's a European Council of Metal detecting being formed right now.  I hope that helps to break down the barriers in Spain and other countries, for all to enjoy the hobby. And that's just the right way to do it. In My Honest Opinion.


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« Reply #33 on: October 29, 2016, 11:03:24 am »
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Quote:Posted by ganixle

Uncalled for name calling?? Remember Amish girl, you're the one that came out of your corner safely behind the screen of your puter in mommy's basement "name calling" or labeling me.  Come out swinging on this Injun verbally or physically and I'm going to hit back.  Your own words, "(this is a discussion forum and if you can't respect others opinions why are you here)"  I must ask you the same.  I normally wouldn't be here, however I was invited to come back and post....I did and answered a question about metal detecting in Spain and up pops a self righteous pale skinned **** house barrister from Merry Olde England to count coupe on this obviously weak simple minded Colonial rube.  

As for you "always" feeling sorry for people who want to detect but live in countries where it is banned or has silly laws.  Always!  Really?  I'm saying this is the first time any such thing has ever crossed your feeble mind.  You've never given any thought to metal detecting rules and regulations anywhere other than your own back yard until this subject came up at which time you felt compelled to ride out of your ivory tower on your noble English high horse and condemn me for "breaking the law"...all the while pretty much admitting that you bend and break rules but not to my level, so you're okay.  To quote the famous native American medicine man Lame Beaver, "uugh, him speak with forked tongue"  

I don't hate you Amish girl, I kind of like seeing how much different we really are and would settle into an amicable discussion if you weren't so judgmental.  I'm not about to change who or what I am because you came out against me on here.  Take off your badge constable, have a seat, lets drink a pint and have a friendly exchange on detecting, detectors and finds.  

I'm checking into a detecting trip to England before the weather gets too nasty. Back in the late 80's and again in the early 90's I was on a temporary duty assignment with the US Air Force and we were billeted in a little RAF base in Upwood to attend NCO Leadership School and later the NCO Academy there. I got to swing my detector each night as I rambled the countryside not even considering whether or not it was legal, its just night time was the only time left after a day of studying how to be better robots for the flying circus...etc.  Not nearly as many finds as in Spain but interesting.  I'd like to give it a try as a legal detector tourist and hammer it in the daylight on some known sites.  Hoping that I can swing by and pick up an Onix detector from Blackdog on the way over.  

Oh, before I forget, you never answered the question about what you would do if you found a biscuit tin full of gold coins.  Again would you like to weigh in on that?  As for me, I'd still take it and keep my mouth shut and if that makes me a criminal....well...recognized!

Maybe you ought to pull your Head In and leave the Swear words and Personal Stuff off the Forum.


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« Reply #34 on: October 29, 2016, 11:06:42 am »
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   Here  the U.S.  the Federal Government is getting as Greedy as your Crown.   Unlike the Crown they are Trying to claim it belongs to the People and there for should be locked away in some box some place never to be seen again at the Smithsonian.

  Most messed up is the stuff just sets in the ground until a Detector Person locates and Recovers and then the Crown Claims ownership.  Yea they pay you some of the worth but not what it's worth on the open market.  They set the Value.  

  How do they handle the Stuff not claimed as Treasure Trove like somewhat common gold coins and the not ?




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« Reply #35 on: October 29, 2016, 02:22:52 pm »
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Quote:Posted by homefire
  I spent 5 years at RAF Uxbridge  79 - 85.  Where were you stationed ?  Never did much detecting back then. To much on my plate.  You needed a License free from the GPO of all places to use one. 


I was stationed in Torrejon De Ardoz Spain and TDY to England on several occasions.  Twice to RAF Upwood, once to Alconbury and once to Lakenheath. 

Posted on: October 29, 2016, 02:01:38 pm
Looks like ole ganixle got off to a ripping bad start here.  I make no excuse for my rowdy, rude and untoward speech and behavior but I do offer an apology to all in general and in particular to Mud Max.

Now, does anyone wish to discuss the lighter side of coin shooting, relic hunting, treasure hunting or electronic prospecting?   Detecting

I just got back from following some marked palm trees and rooting around in the mosquito and snake infested jungle we call Florida here with little success other than an old butter knife from what appears to be from the late 1700's matching the two spoons and 1 fork I've recovered there along with several pieces of silver.  Talk about not wanting to be someplace, I hate this place and the only thing that makes it halfway bearable is the potential for some really nice finds in the right places as well as my frequent escapes to the west for prospecting. 

Posted on: October 29, 2016, 02:14:20 pm
Some raw turquoise from the old Mexico side of the border.  A few years back I wandered across by accident while detecting and found quite a bit of this stuff.  The other photo is of Spanish silver found in the new world.


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« Reply #36 on: October 29, 2016, 02:33:51 pm »
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Quote:Posted by ganixle
I was stationed in Torrejon De Ardoz Spain and TDY to England on several occasions.  Twice to RAF Upwood, once to Alconbury and once to Lakenheath. 

Posted on: October 29, 2016, 02:01:38 pm
Looks like ole ganixle got off to a ripping bad start here.  I make no excuse for my rowdy, rude and untoward speech and behavior but I do offer an apology to all in general and in particular to Mud Max.

No harm done, All is well.


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« Reply #37 on: October 29, 2016, 02:57:15 pm »
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   We have some Turquoise Deposits here in New Mexico .  Down around the Hatchet Mtns not far from me.

Posted on: October 29, 2016, 02:51:26 pm
   Lakenheath was our Commissary.  Like 100 miles away.  Made trips about once every two months for some REAL BEEF.  Comm Weenie I was.  Had circuits going to  Torrejon too.  Grass Fed Beef just didn't cut it.  Use to drive all the way to Dover to a steak house that had Real Meat.  Guess were they got there meat ?  Yep Spain. 


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« Reply #38 on: October 29, 2016, 03:31:40 pm »
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Quote:Posted by homefire
   We have some Turquoise Deposits here in New Mexico .  Down around the Hatchet Mtns not far from me.

Posted on: October 29, 2016, 02:51:26 pm
   Lakenheath was our Commissary.  Like 100 miles away.  Made trips about once every two months for some REAL BEEF.  Comm Weenie I was.  Had circuits going to  Torrejon too.  Grass Fed Beef just didn't cut it.  Use to drive all the way to Dover to a steak house that had Real Meat.  Guess were they got there meat ?  Yep Spain. 

Comm Weenie, I was an Egress Weenie at the time.  The Air Force was great, I came off of a small farm at 17 in Arkansas, my only skills were milking cows, shoveling stalls and hoeing/chopping corn.  BMTS was like being on vacation.  I slept in, got yelled at but not beat, had to walk in a straight line and got to eat 3 square meals a day.  After I think 9 weeks at Chanute for technical training they had me in Ramstein Germany working on operational F-4E Phantoms. Talk about life in the big city.  TDY to Incirlik Turkey in 77 when most of the women in Adana were wrapped up like a sore toe and then on to Spain where I fell in love with the country, the food and the women.  I later got stationed there twice.
Spain is such a nice place.  I was on my way back to live there in 99 but was struck down with metastatic cancer.  Kind of lost the momentum to go there for good but I do return to visit from time to time.  My wife's three sisters still live there and I was going back to join one of my sister-in-laws in a business she runs over there in the medical field.

England was nice as well.  One day when it was cold I was out walking around and run across some fellows flying remote controlled gliders over a field there.  Got into a conversation and one of them offered me a cup of tea with milk out of his thermos...not bad really especially on a cold day.  I guess I love to travel more than anything and I've treasure hunted in Portugal, Spain, France, England, the Yucatan and all over here.  That is the thing that gets me out of bed in the morning and keeps me training for my next big adventure.  MD Anderson cancer center in Houston had sent me home to put my affairs in order but thankfully I'm still around enjoying life in general.  A few years back the VA tried to assign me an electric scooter and I even had one physician tell me I shouldn't walk more than a hundred feet at time because I was dangerously close to being paralyzed.  The chemo and radiation had destroyed connective tissue in my spine, caused peripheral neuropathy in both hands and feet and COPD like a smoker.  I thought about that dufus telling me not to walk when I was rolling down a hillside in Nevada after I'd slipped and fallen.  Detecting has been a form of rehab for me.  Better than medicine.


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« Reply #39 on: October 29, 2016, 06:01:37 pm »
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   As long as that one foot gets in front of the other your doing OK.  LOL


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