I want to trade for the coins no one else wants, the really dirty coins, broken, chipped, so cruddy they cannot even be noted as coins. Metal detector finds from the middle east and europe, in other words. Do not care for modern, needs to be 1500AD or before but that is usually the case anyway, diminutive types OK. When I get what I am after they are available by the pound. I conserve and occasionally find things for my collection (Crusader trachea and medieval types) though most of the stuff is unworthy, really damaged, but thats what I do. Anything that can go some more centuries with a little TLC, I take care of it. If you have larger lots of dug coins from the middle east or Europe that you consider junk, thats what I am after. I will trade really well for these coins, write to me
luxefaire@gmail.com or here. thanks.....b
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