From the land of the Bluenose.....everyone was tied up today save for me so I drove down to see me bud Tony the Tiger who is becoming a real home body in his "little love nest" only to find an empty abode. He phoned later and stated that he was out walking his dog or more like his killer on a leash as it is a k9 of the 3rd kind....a guard dog. Of course when I visit I lay on the horn staying in Otto instead of knocking on the door as I'm sure I'd make a good meal for the darn thing if it liked pork chops. Anyway it was a nice drive with some great scenery!
As if I had enough to worry about this bouy wanted a piece of me too!
Anyway hit a local school yard/playing field/beach on the way home and did the dew cursing every second time I bent down. Drugs me son ! Drugs are the answer to old age and arthritus. Ever notice that when older folks git together the talk always centers on ailment..........I have arrived! So I dug , moaned, cursed and swore my way to a quota even feeling the foul tip I took on the inner thigh last night while umping a ladies sympathy there me son.
Total for the solo outing was a key, dog tag (think that belonged to xwife No#2) a metal flower that I would enjoy watching a rabbit try to eat and 69 coins @ $6.61
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