Usually Sunday is reserved for Marie's and I triple "D" being drive, dinner and dig. Being the socialite that she is baby showers were the order of the day. Not hard to figure out what her nieces did during the covid pandemic! 0815hrs out the door with Zen Guru (AT Pro) still feeling remorse over the passing away of the last member of the Freedom 3 family. The Labor Day Weekend is traditionally the start of the 50 miles yard sale or as our Kipper cousins call them boot sales. Of course on the way a few spots beaconed for my attention which was given with minimal results. The covid put a real nose dive in the number of yard sales and when all was said and done Nogo Sojo (my car) pulled curb side 27 times. Always on the look out for stamps, postcards and Lord only knows what else. Son of a sea horse all I managed to dig out of my wallet was $4 (2 pounds Brit) for a few pins (which I like giving away on my trips across the pond to fellow diggers) and new crib board with all the pegs. Of course I ran into Navy Davy and Sharon out doing the rounds too in Musquodaboit. ND is a keen shopper and not much gets "buy" him. Total kilometers today 187. Road kill...3 racoons,1 skunk and 1 porcupine which I'm sure was a buffet of cornucopia choices for the refined taste of the local crows.
Ended up in Truro via the back roads which again afforded a few spots that Zen Guru sniffed out a few more coins bringing the total to 31. On the main street in Truro my stomach let me know it was time to be fed up. The main stays of fast food joints were all available and all I had to do was decide which place was going to give me heart burn, nausea and hopefully the runs! Whopper won and true to form 20 minutes later an emergency stop was required. Well that worked better than any med a doctor could come up with and only cost $11. Thinking that if my much better half was in the navigator seat a better course would have been given.
No three bell tones to let me know the batteries were good. Headphones on which is weird when I'm just out hunting for quota. Zen Guru is great for flogging the stubble in the UK but out just for quota too much of a machine and far to heavy for this old bouy. Hit a playing field that "Praise the Lord" the Detectorist Tank Trap Terrorist had never hit! After 30 minutes of swinging my right arm and shoulder went on strike . Darn Digaholics Union local 19 1/2. Lefty came to the rescue although untrained managed to top off the days total of 43 coins at $3.63 which was added to the "Send a Canuck back to the UK in August Fund."
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