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« on: November 23, 2016, 02:45:06 pm »
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0525hrs!  Marie gently hollers in my ear asking me am I awake.
"No dear I'm not!"
"I got a hankering for something" she says!
Well she got my interest with that and then says,  "Will you make me some corn chowder today."
Such is the life of a Bluenoser.

0545hrs and she is off to work while I languish in bed this being my only full day off this week.

0620hrs.  After surfing the 20 some odd metal detecting forums that I participate in, making the beds and doing the dishes I'm out the door with the Pro in hand not mentioning a bag of garbage  and some library items from the Hunny Bunny list of things to do....man o man!  Rather cold out today.  Gave the Freedom 3 Plus the day off as it takes hissy fits in cold weather.  Mind you the batteries in it were dead.  No 9 volt ones but 48 double a's.

0710hrs.  40 minutes down the highway listening to Frankie Sinatra....mind boggling.  What was mind boggling is that I was going 115kph in a 110 kph zone and absolutely everyone was passing me.  Deep thought!  Everyone is late, in a rush or just likes to pass every law abiding fellow on the road.  Hantsport was just waking up as I dug my first coin of the day.  Think one young lady woke up missing something.....this something!

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Around 0830hrs Mr Cavalier one of the directors of the park showed up and I made mention of the bike.  He said he would look into it and offered me a private tour of the old sea captains house circa 1880 or there about.  By then my fingertips were kind of numb like my brain (no gloves).  Started to take some photos of the tour.....you guessed it my battery was gone like my...brain!  Tour ate up about 25minutes digging time.  Continued the dig till half quota was in the left hand pocket of the digging jacket.

1055hrs.  Rotten Ronnies in Windsor was the next stop as I still had a few freebies from their Monopoly game.  Turned around to find a seat and there was .............Lloyd with whom I had worked at the airport with.  He is retired....I am not......listened to his pleasant monologue for over a half hour as I munched on my meal.  Great to catch up on the news that is the news.  Another part of my digging day shot!  Hit a local park where several Labatt's tokens had been  dug on previous outings.  More!  Coins.  Bit of flaky white stuff falling from the sky...................and quota.

Posted on the Christian Metal Detecting Forum the other day as to how folks now have their heads constantly bowed but not to say prayers or give thanks but to look at their Ipods or cel phones.  This observation was further solidified on to days dig as everyone I saw on the side walk who was walking was looking at their cel phone, waiting for their child to get off the school bus and looking at their cel phone or just taking the dog out while their face was buried in their cel phone. Worst was of course on the highway...those passing me with their heads down looking at their phones while driving!  This sort of reminded me of a sign at a church which some one had posted on Facebook..."If you want to take to God come here.  If you want to meet him in person...text while driving!"

1415hrs.  Home with quota in my pocket....and everything the hunny bunny wanted......all the ingredients to make cornacopi chowder!  Not 5 minutes later Marie arrives home and asks..."Did you make my chowder."

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Here is tonights sunset which I got to see.....briefly, as I slaved in the galley making corn chowder!

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« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2016, 07:13:31 pm »
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Whew! Good thing you were able to get the chowder made. Could have been a bit of a rough day tomorrow.......


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« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2016, 07:23:50 pm »
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Don't be putten any of them Slimmy Clam stuff in my Chowder Please.   Grin


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