Hi folks,
I hunted a house site once that had been bought as
commercial property. I did not find anything notable.
Now they have skinned off the top of it, so I decided
to give it another shot. This will be the last chance
anyone will have to hunt it for a long time (if ever)
I did not find much,
The oldest thing that you can ID is an old broken adz.
For those who do not know what an adz is;
An adz is a tool that looks like a hoe. But it is stronger.
It is for making flat sides on logs. You stand over the
log and chip away at the top with the tool. It is only
sharpened on the top side of the blade, so the blade
cuts flat and strait along the top of the log.
The heads on these are newer and curved some.
Here is how you do it. Just be sure and not miss,,
Thanks fer joinin me in Arkie Land,
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