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« on: September 05, 2015, 09:02:40 am »
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If you have ever read any of my previous posts you will know that I take a certain amount of literary liberty to enhance the enjoyment of the outing. I enjoy writing about a dig just as much as doing it. All the items in a post are either found or eyeballed while out on a hunt. Incidents did happen.

We have all had those days where even the simplest of tasks turn into a catastrophe.  Days where doing the morning dishes is comparable to walking in a minefield or driving down Old Sackville road reminds you of a verse in the bible, "Ye tho I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil."  Today was one of those days where my world had gone to hell in a hand basket.

Figured that it would be  a nice day to go for a quick dig before my last shift before vacation.  Of course household chores and breakfast first.  Put a kcup of Marley "You making me crazy " in the  Keurig machine then the smoke alarm went off in the hallway as the toaster was on.....common enough event that was easily rectified.
Mind you I returned to the Keurig to see coffee all over the counter down onto the shelves and on the floor.  Had been waylaid and forgotten to put a cup under the spout !  Clean up number one.  I just smiled!

While doing the dishes one of Marie's Corning Ware plates took a nose dive off the counter.  Clean up number two.  It should have clicked in at this time that a dig should be avoided.  When yourself talks to you just listen and take heed.  I just smiled!

Anyway I loaded my F3P into Nogo's boot and headed to Kinsman's First Lake Park which is only a 10 minute drive from home.  An hour swinging would fulfill my addiction. Parked in the upper lot next to the dumpster and sort of tumbled down the embankment where the kids swings and things were.  I just smiled!

I began to swing in earnest finding a penny shortly thereafter which I pocketed .  Something just didn't feel right.  The black shorts that I had hastily taken out of the clothes hamper earlier were Marie's.  Guess now I could add cross dresser to my resume.  I just smiled!

Working my way back towards the slope I noticed that the entire power line that runs parallel with the parking lot was full of starlings.  "Aerial dew" in a tight formation bombarded Nogo mercilessly.  I just smiled!

At this time I noticed that Nogo's drivers side rear was sort of lower than the rest of the car.  Twenty minutes later and $25 poorer a screw was removed from its tire.  I just smiled!

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Imagine by now some of you are wondering how one could just smile at that sort of day.   Well I made it home in one piece.  I just smiled and looked to the heavens and thanked the Lord I had made it through another day!



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« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2015, 09:19:34 am »
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Blue, If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no Luck at All,

If it was raining Virgins I'd get washed down the Gutter with a Fruit, and I feel like a one legged man at an A$$ kicking contest, Apart from that Life is Good ,
Some days we just have to smile and move On, Don't worry in two days you will be chasing Treasures of Old and all will be right with the World.



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