Greetings! This was my second time out with my Ace. There is a big, wooded park with trails and a frisbee-golf course on onw side in the woods. I spent 2 hours on a small corner of the park, just keeping on the trails. There is so much more to scan! 2 kids wandered by and asked if I found any gold? Well, I could honestly say "no"!
I'm posting a pic for you, some junk and 1 dime and 3 pennies! Let me know if this is foolish to post, as there are so many cool treasures being found elsewhere, mine seems pretty small!
I had a blast anyway, the temp is only in the 40's and the dirt is still cold to sift thru. Snowstorm heading here tommorrow, looks like Spring is taking it's time getting here in Minnesota! Figures, now that I have a new toy!
Take care all, have a good week.
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I'm hooked on Thunting!