I was last early morning with my X-T 705 on the sunrise hunt with friend, because we had not this weekend other free time. It is reality, somebody need to go to the work, other had waiting some visitors and me? I had no official approval for this day from my wife. I must to leave. Oops, it was top secret!
You can see the silver white coin of Maxmilian II of Habsburg (1564-1576) in wrong condition and bad quality One Greschel, it means silver 3/4 Kreuzer of Leopold I of Habsburg (1675-1705) too.
The best for me is hand made arsenbronz button from 18. or early 19. century. At this time they were produce in manufactured series as standard, and this is made on old hand made style.
This field is realy overhunted, last and last one season there were everybody who have any metal detector, 100 miles around, I suppose. The field surface looks as military training place somewhere close to barracks.
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MD´s - Tejon DD 10x12" SEF DeTech, GPX 4500 DD 11", E-Trac 11" and 13", X-Terra 705 14x13" DD NEL, Nokta FORS CoRe, Garrett ProPointer. Tools: Drapper, Cannon EQS 20D camera. Membership: The Czech Metal detecting club Lovec Pokladu, The Czech Minelab club, Civic asociation Archeo LP 2010