Brilliant! Just brilliant I say old buoy! Had taken advantage of a foray into an adjoining county that I had previously had a go at. Conditions were bloody well awful at the time. But this nimrod was on the hunt and conditions be damned. The home office gave little sanction for this outing. Artful dodgy lot at that. Bawbee was the prey. They come in six species. Not all can be found in every area but then again old buoy it's the nature of the beast. They tend to follow us chaps around once we leave places . Ghastly but it is their way. Hide in the tall grass, in the woods and at times I say even under ground. Cherri OH. On with it. Armed. Yes must be armed. From the war chest in the boot out came Quota Guru#2. Jammy gud. A wind was nipping at my heels. No bevvy was consumed before the hunt but was bloody well going to be after. Swing after swing produced the desired outcome. The bawbee were coming out of the woodwork. They were game I say. So was I. Shocking. Pulled out a musket ball that I'm most positive came from one of the Queen's Own Rifles. Sharpe. Knew the name and had seen him in action on the BBC. Splendid chap by all accounts. A fob...yes a fob with a message…"Always sisters. Always there." Have to call in Mr. Holms to cipher that one along with finding out where in the bloody hell it was to open. Intriguing as it seemed . Not to be dwelled upon. Old war wound from days on the pitch called. Time to make a tactical retreat . Time for a cuppa Rosy lea as the chill had permeated my spine. No. No can't have that going home to my lass. Quota was not made so a grand appearance at the old bouys club was just out of bounds at this time.
Bounty for the outing included 40 bawbee @ 4 bob 67,fun zone token...jolly good I say and the keys which are under investigation as well as the mysterious "figure 8." Shocking.
This post was a sad attempt at a mere Colonial Canuck trying to write in the Queen's Own English as well as binge watching "Peaky Blinders, Sharpe and Endeavour." Hope all are safe and soon to be out and about!
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