I had the chance to hunt at a house which was being moved. My normal brass find a valve for my brass and copper pile. A Lucky Tiger for scalp eczema & dandruff has opalescence to glass. I'm not sure what date on this. Found a few others on line. Best case was some one who said it was from the late 1800's to early 1900's. But that bottle had the screw top like mine. One from the early 1900's has a cork top. So they misrepresented it some. Ones like mine lucky to sell for 99 cents. Maybe late 1930's - 1950's? A vintage 1982 long whisker rathead Chucky Cheese token. Now the big finds 1953 D dime. I scratched it just a little.
A compact style clock. Not sure what date or any other info on this. It is completely rusted out insides.
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