Sunday, day after a heavy rain which decimated the snow. Marie abandoned me in favor of taking a group of rugrats to see the new Disney movie "Frozen 11." Glad to have had a pass to sit that one out.
They say that if life hands you a lemon squeeze it and make lemonade. At that precise moment I had an epiphany with the "Quantum theory of Digaholics" formulating in my cerebral cortex.
WDD-a squared x h to the fouth divided by hf = q. In layman's terms that equates to warm December day times 4 hours divided by having fun equals quota.
A half hour drive took me to the playing field whereas I started to swing Quota Guru #2. Did not feel like playing the usual detecting games such as" The drunken sailor grid", "Follow the seagull" and the classic "Point garbage to garbage."
Was time to invent a new game....."The Aztec tri step" which is a sound/line dance type of game.
Within no time I had quota plus 22. No challenge as I swear a quarter of the finds where eyeballed coins laying on the surface. $16.32 was the amount with the only thing of note being a 1930 penny. Less than 2 hours and homeward bound was the digaholic.
Marie was home and opened day 1 of her 10 days of Christmas. This is a tradition where she gets to unwrap a present a day till Xmas. of course the label on the present has a riddle. First day was "No mater which pole you are at you will get stuffed with these." Then it was off to my 7th night shift in 8 days. Off till April from cruise but don't mind filling in at other posts the odd time.
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