Went by a local fair ground today and stopped to check it out. I didnt have much time so I parked my truck and walked about a 100 yards out then straight back. This is what I found.
2 tokens age unknown
1 wheat 56 in bad shape
1 dime 69
The rest were pennies mostly from the 60's and 70's. The only reason I dug the pennies was to try and date the coins in the ground. I walked over a bunch of targets, but this was just a recon mission. The ground is covered in pennies most targets are shallow 1 to 3 inches. This will be my next target after I get my first little park picked clean. This place covers about 10 acres and has a ball field at on end.
I also found out about a place that has had 2 bike rallies in the last 2 years with over 5000 bikers in attendance.
Should be something on the ground.
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