Headed out by my lonesome and Navy Davy was busy being a social butter fly with his fellow retired sailors. Had in my mind a trip up the south shore to see if I could score some of those dammed Tim Horton's hockey cards but was thwarted all the way up to this little community!
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All I got at Tim's there was a mediocre cup of mud. Hope the trading session on Friday fills a few holes in the card collection. Still not sure why I got onthis tangent!
Anyway while touring the community found a little park. Grabbed the F3P from the trunk and began a tot lot. Penny heaven to say the least at least till this puppy popped out...................wowzer.
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(Shown here cleaned up a tad and weighing in at 8.2 grams) Not sure what the hallmarks after the 10K is and could use a little help on that. Anyway quota was in the pocket soon thereafter and the Freedom 3 Plus in Nogo's trunk.
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THe Lord sure was busy with the paint brush as the view was.................................heavenly!
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