The regimental surgeon ordered limited duty for Swisher 3rd class Bluenoser from the 1st Battalion of the Nova Scotia Sea and Land Rangers.
The swisher was not pleased and be damned if he was going to follow that order as word had come down through the ranks that a battle was planned. Swisher was not going to miss the action and reported to his C.O. for deployment on the mission which entailed an amphibious assault on the enemy's left flank before his unfit for duty report came down!
Once in the water accompanied by his mate PFC Aqua Guru an armada of Canadian Geese were sighted off the port side. The mission's R.O.E. (rules of engagement) was to not fire unless fired upon. The enemy was known to deploy biological weapons of mass green geese that if smelled could cause extreme discomfort. Maneuvering to the rear of the enemy's classic "V" formation at swing speed a few enemy coin mines were disarmed and put in the hold for redeployment. The gig was up. The flotilla let loose with a burst of honking reaching a crescendo that could be heard for miles. They did an about turn coming right at the Rangers who responded with their own about face putting as much distance between them and the pursuers. After a tense moment and for reasons unknown the Geese turned to port without engaging the fleeing Rangers.
The swishers after seeing the fleet disappear returned to their original mission capturing more underwater coin mines. Portaging to designed "Aqua Point Roger" the Rangers once again entered the cold murky water. More enemy coin mines were dispatched but not enough. Not enough as the objective called for the "Q" and they were well short of the missions parameters. They did managed however to capture a junker ring leader and and an experimental vehicle of the enemy's designated C.A.R. What that stood for was well above these soldiers pay grade.
PFC Guru was sent back to base (Nogo Sojo's trunk) with the veteran Cpl. Quota Guru sent into reinforce the front. Quota could sniff them out. 30, 35 more and the lifer was done out as was S 3rd class Bluenoser. Mission failure...41! Too boot all leave was cancelled. War is hell.
Next morning during role call Swinger 3rd Class Bluenoser got his marching orders!
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