Update on the Grail Treasure Site:
Well just like some Indiana Jones Sequel Ive been hot on the trail of this Holy Grail of a Treasure for seven hard years of raw Desert and deadly Mountain terrain searching!
Indiana Jones inspired millions of would be Treasure Hunters into action. I'll never forget that first movie and then all those great sequels!
I think more than anything 911 probably inspired some of us to seek the unknown and forgotten knowledge. Little did I know I'd be caught in the web of the Wizard Master Knights of Templar!
It did not start out that way.
I was looking for Treasures and old Gold Mines left here in Arizona Territory by the Spaniards.
Not knowing the truth about the whole picture was what bugged me from the beginning. My research all started in the Library as most students would and quickly accelerated to encompass the State Historical Society / Museum. Just like any would be Archaeologist you need to start somewhere and known knowledge is the place to do it.
I became familiar with the DRSW (DATA REPOSITORY SOUTHWEST) and its summaries explained in English.
I searched for and found a key pivotal Archaeologist in the local histories of Tucson and all of Arizona. I discovered some of his papers, drawings and maps at local and distant locations. And, a mysterious CIA man called me out of the clear blue sky from a Doctors visit of all things and told me a fantastic tale of a Petroglyph Treasure Map right north of our location!
This map he had discovered in 1948 as an eight year old boy. He eventually told me of the location and once I arrived there to my horror the rock Treasure Map was broken and the whole middle section was missing! Someone had stolen the prize drawing of the rock which was the large Crown and cross with the one word, "ORO". Probably carried it off for landscape in their back yard!
I spent the next nine grueling months in the deserts and mountain ranges following the map and all the monuments left for direction and finally discovered my first Templar Camp Site! This I found with the first map system but I had not even scratched the surface of the system yet and what was in store was much larger, took longer, and way harder to decipher!
But what was amazing is this gave me the tools to start down the road of this secret symbolic Templar trail that lead me to what could end up being one of the greatest Treasure discoveries of all time right here in the good old US of A!
The following will be copyrighted to me and only me, Wyatt Bill Westwood.
The Holy Grail area is hard to get to. Not to long a hike but hard. The mountain range is harsh and you don't want to be there in the summer heat. The Mohave Rattle Snakes, Scorpions, Gila Monsters, Fire Ants, and Killer Bee's are everywhere then.
Ive spent long days at the location over many years. At times in the middle of the searing heat. It was a place I discovered by accident while riding in the Desert one lazy day. The thing is that I knew this place was very special. I could see it and feel it in my soul!
Later on I would doubt my own senses and judgements many times. But something would always bring me back there. Maybe it was the undying thirst for lost ancient secrets or the hard headedness of my Missouri born head but either way I knew in my own mind there was a level of secret Sorcerer's knowledge I was not yet prepared by learning to see at that time.
It takes years to develop the knowing of the ways in these deeply philosophical, biblical and historic allegories of the secret craft..
The location is surrounded by the eternal waters of life. These are the waters of the Grail itself!
It seeps from everything at the right time. Rock, Moss, Dirt it comes from everywhere!
The green man is all over represented by GEB the angry clipped Goose or the great "Cackler". GEB is a danger sign that the Treasure location will be death trapped with the consequences being great. If the Goose is awoken, then the whole damn mountain is rigged to come down on top of your head! That's one ornery damn Goose!
Your guided by the footsteps of YWAHF. His name is embedded in everything you see but only certain combinations will give verification that have a Knights Templar Treasure vault encampment!
Once there you are instructed by secret signs from the Godhead to the Map Construction camp.
This is the camp site of importance.
You then follow the Golden Bowl or Golden Skull. This gives you the direction to the Praying Prophets. Follow the Praying Prophets for only they can see the future of your true destiny.
From that point on the way will be shown by the six elements. Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Sun, Shadow.
Each element is a formed spirit or trapped demon. All colors are used and all plants may have meaning so one must keep an open Tiger or Lion's Eye of sight. Telescopes and Spy Glasses.
Evil Death Spells are cast right into the rocks in the forms of dark shapes. Some give direction but most lead to Mohave Desert Rattler Dens!
The main builders of the Garden of GEB are the Praying Prophet Monks. They lead the way to the White Magic Spells also cast in the rock by carving. These Prophet Monks are of the Praying Mantis category. They have heads like a Mantis or Mantid and bodies of a Human. They guard the secret chambers too. But mainly they are guides through the death fall rocks. Other Guardian spirits are disembodied heads with Lion or Tiger Eyes.
I have a photo of one of these. Maybe I should post it?
The Mantis lead you on the path of light through the dark demonic spell casts, death traps, and profile head morphing's of the elongated dark bodied demon's souls trapped in the stone for all eternity to guard the Grail. These shadow souls in that area are formed of the Black Rock with the water flowing over it. They morph into human shapes and give instructions in coded symbols to various spots of worship. In the Holy Grail garden of life full and flowing with the water and giver of eternal life. Waters of the Holy Grail and the Fountains of Youth all in one!
I have never personally sampled the Grail water myself. I don't believe that Im worthy of it.
This magical Holy place contains keys to other lost secrets of time.
Druid magic.
People of the Stone Magic!
The Magic used at the Grail site is unlike anything ever seen before now!
Small botanical gardens utilizing multitudes of color arrangements set up as the Japanese do with the Bonzi trees in their miniature gardens.
The places contain magic beyond belief!
Its a miniature paradise!
What Ive discovered is none other than the Sorcerer's Stone!
This is the seat of the ultimate Prophet! The Knight Wizard Templar! He and only he holds the key to the secret chambers of knowledge. The ancient art and sciences of Alchemy and the Magic of the Wizard Knight Templar!
Whatever the Treasure hunt encounters it will be the most exciting true adventure I or anyone has ever experienced and Im glad to have people like you tagging along looking for fortune and glory because this is Knights Templar Treasure Hunt reality show 101!
Indiana Jones step aside, make room for Wyatt Bill and the First Crusade!
The Best of everything to you all,
Holy Grail Finder and soon possible Wizard Knight of Templar,
Wyatt Bill Westwood
@Copyright 2009
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« Last Edit: February 27, 2009, 08:33:01 pm by Wyatt Westwood »