I was reading some of the interesting stories and it brought to mind the last big cache we found. I've found several small ones since but nothing like this and I've never told or published this story before:
It was in late 1992. I got a call from a historic old family in Houston they knew that my wife and I hunted for lost items for a fee or split. The story was that "Grandfather" had got caught up in the doomsday movement during the 1970's and had buried a large amount of silver coins on their 5 acre estate in a upscale part of town. They had searched in vain for several years, since his passing without tell tham where he had hidden it. The house was scheduled for bulldozing and the land to be divided into smaller lots. This was thursday and the bulldozers were to arrive on monday. They had hired a backhoe/trencher and had dug holes all over the place. I listened to their details and called my oldest son to assist. Friday morning we started the hunt. I narrowed the suspect area using my experince in cache hunting and human nature in hiding caches. We made one trench with no luck, then started another. Suddenly silver dollars started pouring out of the ground and the family members dove in grabbing handfulls. We got them under control and out of danger from the trencher and began to gather the treasure.
We searched a bit farther and found more, mostly half dollars. All total there was over 80 pounds of silver coins. It turns out that the elder gentleman had taken a post hole digger and dug holes all over the estate in order to confuse his family. He lowered bank bags into the holes close to the house (which made sense) and filled all holes in the middle of the night.
There are a lot more details but time and space are precious. OH, we didn't even have a camera with us, so I never got a photo of the coins stacked up 10 deep and covering the hood of my truck but it was a pretty sight. We collected our cut and went home happy.
Richard Byrd Ray
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