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« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2010, 09:02:00 pm »
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You're not the culprit going around stealing coils out of people's air conditioners for the copper are you?  Grin


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« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2010, 09:08:50 pm »
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No and I'm not the one that pulled 300ft of 600 pair phone line off the pole around here. Club


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White's GMT
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2010, 10:00:47 pm »
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I've got a basement full of scrunched and twisted copper pipe.  The guy I bought this house from at some point back had started having issues with the original copper joints. So he decided to completely re plumb the whole house with this (at the time, and I'm being sarcastic) newfangled fancy piping system called polybutylene.  Needless to say, the polybutylene lasted until about five minutes after I bought the house in 2002 when it promptly exploded about ten minutes after the class action suit against polybutylene expired.  I ended up having to replace all of the polybutylene with CPVC at my own expense. 

The guy I bought the house from had never taken the old copper out when he first replumbed it though.  He just routed the polybutylene along side the copper.  When time came to re-pipe it again there wasn't room for the CPVC along side the polybutylene and the copper, so I just snatched every thing old out.  I probably have 300 lbs of twisted up copper pipe in a huge pile in my basement.  I sort of figure it's like a jar full of old pennies.  It probably isn't going to go down in value, and if I get desperate for money it's there to redeem at the salvage shop.  I just wonder how many suspicious stares I'm going to have to suffer through to get my money.

Oh good grief... did I do that again, hijack a thread?  Sorry.


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« Last Edit: May 03, 2010, 10:11:19 pm by bigwater »

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« Reply #23 on: May 08, 2010, 04:20:21 am »
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Hello Bigwater

In answer to your comments about the high price we pay for copper environmentally is in some respect correct.  That highly polluting process was the earlier 18/19th and early 20th century technology in the days that the environment was not an issue. Much damage was done to area under the fall out of acid rain. The culprits was from no pollution controls from open hearth brick reverbertory furnaces.The dust from the furnace was highly concentrated sulfuric acid in power form when mixed with water became acid which destroyed vegetation. The same can be said from Iron and steel making.

However to set the record strait.

The process I have mentioned is a more modern process which includes so2 capture by a Bag house acidic duct collection which is reprocessed in an acid plant into battery acid, sulfuric acid and eventually sodium metibisulfate as food preservative, thus with minimal amount of emissions, no where near the levels that were released in the 18th and 18th centuries.

Most modern smelters that are in developed countries and severely restricted on how much so2 emissions can be released into the atmosphere. However that said I shudder to think about the minimal pollution or non existent pollution control levels of smelters in China and India.

Strangle enough is seems not to be an issue with western environmentalists.

Hardluck  Wink 


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White's GMT
« Reply #24 on: May 08, 2010, 01:46:15 pm »
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Yeah, I understand where you're coming from.  But the problem is that SO2 by itself is not dangerous, It's even used in food and wine manufacturing.  So when SO2 is evaluated as an environmental risk it's generally negated and not regulated.  Because it's not regulated you're okay to release SO2 if you want to since it's considered begnign and non toxic.  You mix SO2 with H2O though, and you've got a problem.

The regulatory thought processes are just so messed up that they boggle the mind.  It's OK to release SO2 because SO2 is considered safe, even though when it's mixed with water it becomes dangerous.  The same reasoning as the new federal mandate on what they call "fire standards compliant" cigarettes... designed to keep you from burning up in your bed.  They put ethylene vinyl acetate on the paper so that the cigarette will self extinguish if you don't keep puffing on it.  Ethylene vinyl acetate is a perfectly begnign and harmless substance, no toxicity to humans whatsoever.  It's basically carpet glue.  So let's put it on cigarettes so the cigarettes will go out by themselves.  The only thing is that when ethylene vinyl acetate is burned, it becomes toxic, so anybody who is smoking now is slowly poisoning themselves.  The government deemed it safe because it IS safe in it's native form.  They don't look at the big picture.  SO2 is not dangerous.  Do what you want.


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« Reply #25 on: May 08, 2010, 06:57:10 pm »
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Hello Bigwater

I cannot make comments on American standards of the release of So2 emissions. But I know the Australian standards.

I cannot argue the fact in the past smelters were responsible for massive environment damage.
So2 when mixed with Ho2 becomes dangerous if there extremely high levels of So2 being released into the Atmosphere. The Emission standard on the rate a modern copper smelter can release has decreased year after year. Massive fines are imposed and they have a strike 3 policy. after 3 serious breaches in 12 months the company can loses its license. And do not think this was an idle threat to keep companys inline.

I have been involved with 2 Copper smelters that were closed due to failure to comply with the standards. Even after the company invested nearly 900 million dollars in upgrading its emission control systems. No CEO today would even consider deliberate breaches of the emission standards.

The thing that irks me is some ill informed members of the public with their own environmental agendas actively went out of their way to destroy an industry. They rode off into the sunset like knights in shinning Armour and said "hey look at us where saving the world", As they got into their gas guzzling SUV and talked to their friends on their mobile telephones and went home to their finely expensive homes made from rain Forrest timbers. All made from the industries they so despised.

Interesting enough the leading protagonist against us. Her husband worked there for 40 years before retiring, as soon as he retired she actively complained about the emissions. Getting mothers to bring their little children to play ring a ring a Rosie with little hands held together in front of national Television. cameras. The PR campaign sunk us like Exocet missile, politicians wanting the green vote sacrificed us at the altar of saving their political asses. Set the emissions levels so low that it was technically unachievable. We went through two royal commissions that were nothing short of a witch hunt.

What was left?  In the wake was an industry that has progressively moved operations to china and India with no pollution controls what so ever and now polluting more than ever. And the region that had the Copper smelter which had been closed left to rust, with thousands of unemployed 17 years on living in poverty. Another fine result of the lucky country.

Life has moved me on to other things.

 I am not a overt greenie nor a overt industrialist, but prefer to see some common sense not decisions made due ignorance and mass hysteria.

Unfortunate the country I live in is run buy decisions made from mass hysteria.



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White's GMT
« Reply #26 on: May 08, 2010, 11:01:38 pm »
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Well the copper industry died up here not due to government regulations, just due to the bottom dropping out of the profitabilaty in metal.  The landscape will eventually recover, but there will always be a vent hole into a closed mine shaft if you need to dispose of some evidence.


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« Reply #27 on: May 09, 2010, 01:25:21 am »
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Hello Bigwater

The mining industry in Australia is in a massive boom in which has helped Australia to escape much of the world wide recession. However it can be Ironic that such a rich lucky country can have poverty.

China and India cannot get enough Iron Ore, coal, gas and other minerals. But this boom has not filtered down to all parts of Australia. Some regions, especially industrial manufacturing and tourism regions have been very hard hit.

Politicians in my country have become drunk on this cash cow. and when China says Jump our political masters say how high. Grin

hardluck  Wink


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« Reply #28 on: May 09, 2010, 10:55:23 am »
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Same here.  If China quits buying US debt, where in a sh!t hole of massive proportions.  Used to be our government would just sell bonds to our citizens to cover our debt, and at one time they gave us a pretty good return.  But now I've got a bunch of paper that I bought over the years that aren't worth the paper they're printed on.  A bond that I bought 15 years ago is not even worth what I paid for it then.  With our deficit in the billions with a B, and our spending in the trillions with a T, I don't see anything getting better any time soon. 

Socialized medical care is poping out of the microwave as I type this, and the next thing you know, George Orwell's vision of the US from his book 1984 will be reality.

Sorry if I sound like a naysayer, and I hope I'm wrong, but I'm seriously disturbed about the direction my country is headed in.  I used to wish I had been born later in life so I could see all the cool technology evolve before my eyes, but now I'm gland I'll be dead when all this debt comes due and our kids have to bone up.   

I missed the first great depression, and hopefully I'll miss the next one.  I lived in a time of great prosperity in between.  A couple of hiccups... The Carter years, Regan's tax hikes, but we survived.  I'm not convinced our country can survive what's happening now.


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« Reply #29 on: May 10, 2010, 04:15:45 am »
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Hello Bigwater

We were all overjoyed when our capitalism broke the back of communism in the USSR. But we were too full of ourselves in belief of our invincibility as the sleeping giant turned our weapon of capitalism against us.

We have already lost the war with China and we didn't even know it. It was our petty greed that made us come undone. It was the lure of all the cheap goods from China and everyone fell for it.

One by one the CEO's of the big manufacturers saw the vast profits to be made from taking all the good paying factory jobs off shore, to china where pitiful wages are paid to their workers and a currency 40% undervalued. Slowly but surely the big company's went off shore, the other more patriotic companies who stayed went under because they could not compete with the Chinese counterparts.

To compensate the loss of income and loss of industrial capacity. The banks deregulated saw vast profits to be made in flooding the markets with cheap financing with money they never had. All people in the West were taken in by the great dream living well beyond what they could really afford living on one credit card to the next.

And when the bubble burst we are beginning to slowly realize that the western world is in decline financially, politically and militarily. As our sleeping giant China is increasing in industrial capacity, financial and military power. Which is eating away the industrial and financial capacity of our countries to resist the rising Chinese world superpower.

And you know what is the most Ironic thing of all?

They did all that without firing a shot. Wink


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