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Offline chrisblake
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« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2010, 07:23:26 am »
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I have read these rumours of finds in and around Rennes before but nobody ever seems to know th source of them. I would really like to check. Can you tell the source for:

4) - From the time of Sauni?re: Mr Bernard MARRE parts found in a field below Rennes le Chateau.

5) - Mr. Pons found gold coins to SOUBIROUS

6) - Fran?ois PIBOULEAU also during demolition and donated to the Mayor of St Just and the BEZU.

7 ?) - As for Beranger Sauniere, the pot containing gold coins and was buried in his church is not the domain of the invention.

8 ?) - were found in the river Blanque a gold statuette half melted.

9 ?) - A Cassaignes 300 Gold coins have been updated.

10 ?) - In the 1960s, a man named Roger Boonaert accurately describes the recent discovery of gold objects in a very specific section of treasure seekers.

I also want to know the source of the stories about the gold ingots found in fields.


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« Last Edit: August 17, 2010, 07:25:19 am by chrisblake »
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« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2010, 08:50:43 am »
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Hi chrisblake

The history of these treasures, not always mythical, begins with the Visigoths. What the Celts had produced, the Romans carried off to Rome and then the Visigoths will resume. I am not a visionary or seer, all that is written, has been reported after having read the books or the internet.

I gathered these writings a synthesis of all finds (or possible hits) made in the Razes. It is clear that for many of them, no hand written documents exist of the discoverers. I'll remember until the twelfth century, Bertrand Blanchefort, brought from Germany, men to exploit the gold mines around Rennes and on 2010 a gold mine is still active to Salsigne. The account of these findings has been reported most often by the family or friends of the discoverers

Roug? family had a family tomb in Rennes-le-Chateau, it was desecrated, why? There is no smoke without fire, if there was not a fraction of truth there would be no case of "Rennes le Chateau".

But if you have more information concrete , more comprehensive and documents, I invite you to let us shared.




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« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2010, 06:54:56 am »
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Hello Luc
I don't have direct documentary evidence of these myself which is why I disbelieve them. Most of us are struggling for direct documetary evidence. However I do have a source and I talk about  it a lot more on my blog (we can't do signatures here can we? ) at:

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The Secret Rennes le Chateau Treasure

I believe the book Ordo Lupus and the Temple Gate book by Lazlo Ferran has clues:

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Ordo Lupus and the Temple Gate

I believe Ordo Lupus is the modern cover for a Secret  Cathares Society (yes I believe they exist today and combatting the Lord on Earth or The Devil is their main aim. That is why they are laying out all these clues around Rennes le Chateau). The book has secret codes and the author is descended from someone who was a possible Cathar sympathiser in the 14th Century. His full genealogy is on his own blog. I have so far solved one of the codes in the book and there are nine others which are easy  to find  but hard to solve. I think there are another 3  in the book which fits in with what Ben Hammott is saying.


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« Last Edit: August 18, 2010, 06:56:46 am by chrisblake »
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