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« Reply #80 on: April 10, 2010, 10:31:09 pm »
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Well there's no such thing as a "real expert" when it comes to the concept of religion.  Religion in it's rawest nature is one of the purest forms of philosophy, and as such has no grounds or basis in physical science.  I grew up a strict Southern Baptist.  However my aunt, who was also a strict Southern Baptist and attended church every Sunday, had a phd in theology and was the head of the theology department at a major Christian college in the south.  While she attended church regularly and sang the hymns and worshiped God as if it was all "real", she didn't believe in God at all and would readily admit it if questioned.  She believed in the good values that could be instilled on people by the examples that she set.  God to her was a metaphor for the way to live life, and she chose to provide her examples through the church. 


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Anybody who says "it can't be done" will usually be interrupted by somebody who is already doing it.

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« Reply #81 on: April 11, 2010, 07:34:01 am »
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There is one thing for certain and that is physical death. When death arrives at your door you will know whether or not there is a God who created all things and set the creation in motion, the planets, stars and all the creatures upon the earth. It could be a rude awakening for some and a pleasant encounter for others. I find it incredible that individuals cannot see the magnitude of complexity and uniqueness in every life form.
If you dissect the human body and carefully look at all the intricateness of our being and function there is only one rational conclusion you can come to, there was intelligent design involved in the making. Those who refuse to really look and take note of these things will remain in a state of uncertainty. A wise man will look hard into the matters of life and seek wisdom and understanding. If we conclude there is a creator (God) then we should look to him for wisdom. God didn't leave us without a means of finding Him and His purpose for us. John Chap.1 verses 1 thru 4 " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. In him (Jesus Christ) was life and the life was the light of men. I like the promise of eternal life thru Christ, it is a great joy to know there is more to life than what we have here. What greater treasure could one find than the gift of life and that more abundantly. Some may scoff at what I've said, but at least take some time to really look. Best wishes to all........John in Va


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« Reply #82 on: April 11, 2010, 10:10:49 am »
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Hello John,

personally I do not believe there is any god and consider myself an atheist. However I can not ultimnately neglet that there is a force or a god out there who created everything. I do not know for sure. However the creation of the world as stated in the bible / creationalism (7 days) did not occur or has been proven woring scientifically.




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« Reply #83 on: April 11, 2010, 11:01:54 am »
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I did not take the test because I know in whom I have believed. His name is Jesus and He is the lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. He took someone that was hooked on drugs and alcohol, cigarettes, and was on the fast track for jail, the funeral home and eternal separation from God or Hell. He took away all the addictions and has given me a hope and a future. I used to live in constant fear, now I have peace. I used to have an empty feeling that something was missing in my life, I had tried to fill it with everything I could think of and nothing ever worked until I gave my life back to the one who created it. I used to hate cops before and now wound living next to one for 5 years and we are great friends.

I base my belief on facts and not on speculation and assumptions or so called fairy tales for that matter. After Jesus rose from the grave he was seen by 641 people before he ascended into heaven. There are over 24,000 original copies of the Bible in existence and they are all perfect with no mistakes. The books that they teach in school's  and proclaim as truth, I.E. Homer and Aristotle have less than 10 original copies and many of those copies are not complete and fragmented. Jesus Christ is the central figure in history and every facet of like from the Art's to Music to Poetry pay tribute to and give the credit to Him.

There are facts that are withheld about Famous People of history from the public. They withhold these facts so they can try to assert the claim that "America is not a Christian Nation". They do not get the information from the original text, but instead from updated editions written by people with personnel agendas. Many people say that Abe Lincoln was not a Christian, he did in fact become a Christian. His 2ND inaugural address was brimming with direct quotes from the Bible and many of His famous sayings make direct reference to God and Lincoln's need of and reliance upon. More proof can be found in the book "The case for Christ" and The Case for Creation written by Lee Strobel. Please find out the facts about it, instead of settling for what we have been told or what sounds good. You will be glad you did.  Smiley


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minelab se pro & sovriegn xs & Excaliber 1000 & Bounty Hunter Big Bud Pro
« Reply #84 on: April 11, 2010, 12:01:57 pm »
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Quote:Posted by Christian
Hello John,

personally I do not believe there is any god and consider myself an atheist. However I can not ultimnately neglet that there is a force or a god out there who created everything. I do not know for sure. However the creation of the world as stated in the bible / creationalism (7 days) did not occur or has been proven woring scientifically.



Hi Christian...Thanks for your input about your beliefs and what is purported to be accurate science.
I have been looking at this topic for many years and have listened to a lot of different view points and also read many books. There are presently many scientist who believe in creation not because of their religous convictions only but also because they see it when examining scientific data etc.. One of the persons I remember in particular is a professor in Quantum Physics for Nasa, his illustration of life using science pointed directly to creation. I don't have the video anymore nor do I currently remember his name. My point is that there is scientific data that points to the creation timetable from quite a number of scientist. It may be a hard pill to swallow for some scientist who have been teaching something all there life and then find out it is wrong. Pride is a barrier for some people to learn new things, especially when they have written a lot of books etc.. This is a great topic and can be helpful to many people during our quest for lifes best. I suppose it would be hard to ignore the Christian topic with a name like yours Smiley Have a great day....John in Va..


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« Reply #85 on: April 11, 2010, 09:16:03 pm »
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Here are two interesting sites:

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« Reply #86 on: April 11, 2010, 09:58:36 pm »
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thanks for the links!


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« Reply #87 on: April 12, 2010, 07:53:55 pm »
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I was deeply religious as a child for a time, I attended an "Assembly of God" church for a few of years from birth to 8 years old until my pastor one day decided to start speaking in toungs and swallowing live fish and animals in the name of god. Then I was told I needed to watch a movie to understand gods plan. I was shown a very graphic movie of how the appocolyps was was supposed to unfold which as an 8 year old child gave me terrible nightmares for the next few years, all in the name of god.  Yes I have researched religion trying to find a reason to believe again but the whole thing lead me to believe that you have to be a fool to believe in all of that, as I call it voodoo.
I also Quit smoking, chewing, drinking alcohol and soda/pop and I did not need god to do any of it. Thanks for all of your concern. Grin


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« Reply #88 on: April 12, 2010, 08:26:15 pm »
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It is the curse of sin that makes us all vulnerable even pastors. I would suggest that if you think something is not quite right, search the scriptures and know that they are of God. The Bible says by their fruits ye shall know them. A bad tree cannot bring forth good fruit neither does a good tree bring forth bad fruit.

The Bible is your best resource in these troubling times.


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« Reply #89 on: April 12, 2010, 09:08:28 pm »
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Well said Jon, an experience does not always reality make. Just because some one may do something that is clearly wrong that does not mean it excuse someone from their sin. Anytime you have people involved in ANY arena you will have those who fail and do the wrong thing. Look at Enron, Bernie Madoff, look at the havoc they did to peoples lives. Pastors are human beings and will fail sometimes. Even when people in authority fail that does not give people an excuse or that they are are off the hook for their sin, we all are still responsible for our actions. Jesus said "I do not follow men, because I know men". The apostle Paul said "follow me as I follow Christ, if I don't follow Christ, don't follow me". We are to keep our eyes on the Author and finisher of our faith, not on men. We are without excuse, what each person does is up to them, but we will have consequences for our choice and one day we will all give an account of our deeds. If we know the right thing to do and we don't do it, it is sin. Those are God's words not mine.


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