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« on: October 03, 2024, 11:34:35 am »
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Prospecting for Gold 

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As a Gold Prospector you have to get out and check new areas to find Gold at. It's not as easy as it sounds.
You can't keep going back to the same area all the time and think the Gold is going to get better the more trips you make the Gold will eventually start to peter out and get much harder to find. Did I mention Smaller and smaller too ??  Me and Kellen head out to check on a few areas we have been looking at for awhile in hopes that they pay off with some nice Gold . Placer Gold Nuggets would be nice !!! The goal is to find enough Gold to then file a Gold Claim on them with the BLM office in Sacramento. Here's hoping for big Nuggets and know Skunks !!!!!
Prospectors Life Is this location good enough to file a Gold Claim on ?

SG 121
Prospecting for Gold


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