I won't get into maritime law here. Thank you for saying that, but the illusion of freedom is getting harder to maintain. I'll exercise the illusion to the fullest extent. When it get's to expensive to maintain the illusion.....they will pull back the curtain for all to see the brick wall behind it.
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Posted on: April 28, 2013, 09:04:25 PM
I'd like to remind people here that the law on the books forbidding the hoarding of gold is still there. It only needs to get enforced again. I had a boating accident in which mine along with all my guns went down
If your a gambling man... go long on boating accidents
Posted on: April 28, 2013, 09:13:18 PM
Looks like I need to give a little. Let me see what I got in my finds to offer to the highest bidder (contributor to this site). I'll do some digging so to speak. This site isnt free. It costs $ to maintain it. If you enjoy the wisdom here....please give a little. I will be sending some of my finds soon to help.
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:tecknetics: :fisher: