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« on: January 03, 2011, 05:20:30 am »
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Hello All

I am interested in hearing opinions from everyday people from all walks of life.

It could be interesting to get a world wide perspective of the economy in your prospective country. Is the situation improving in your country or state by state?

What is the unemployment rate, is the job market improving?

Thanking you all in advance.



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« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2011, 06:50:23 am »
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You're such a showoff, mate! LoL


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« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2011, 10:24:59 am »
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Things here in Kansas are about the same as last year with unemployment running about 7%. Sales tax is a surprise when you buy something though as it seems to hit around 10%. Rural Kansas is doing quite well after lousy crop production in some countries made the world's demand for grain high. Food prices are more expensive because of that, too, though. How are things in your area - been reading about all the Australian flooding and damage to wheat.


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« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2011, 07:18:25 pm »
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Fearless Leader states joblessness is only 9.some%.   Horse crap.  Here in Luna County New Mexico it over 35%.

I've not worked in over two years and nothing in the horizon.

Next job I get will be the one I make.

No one is going to hire me here.

I don't speak Spanish, Strike One.

I'm a geezer, Strike Two.

I don't Flip Burgers worth a Hoot, Strike Three.



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« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2011, 09:06:30 pm »
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Quote:Posted by homefire
I've not worked in over two years and nothing in the horizon.

You're suffering from Obamanomics in action, mate.


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« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2011, 02:11:39 am »
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Hello All

Thanks for the comments

Sue thanks for your assessment for Kansas. Is sales tax a form of goods and services tax? most western countries have adopted this. Ours in Australia is 10% which helped build up national wealth for the next government to blow on poorly planned projects.

 Farming in Australia is getter harder for the small family farmer. Most are going bankrupt because of debt burden and selling up to foreign countries buying up farming land for food security. Denmark, Singapore, China and Arab states. There is no known information of how much the country is sold out to foreign ownership.The food grown there goes strait overseas. The rains and damage will cause food prices to rise again which is controlled by a cartels of 2 massive food chains that manipulate the market. We have a watchdog that only watches called ASIC which is a toothless tiger that is supposed to stop that.

Australia if you listen to the politicians is the land of milk and honey and yet the wealth from mining boom has not reached everyone in the country. Large parts of country are as not as affluent as other parts of country. West Australia is carrying the rest of country because of the mining boom. If it wasn't for the minerals getting snapped by mineral hungry India and China. We would be in a much worst mess than the united states and Britain.

Our gas reserves we pay for our gas three times higher than what we sell it to the Chinese for. Who got nice back hander for that one? And yet in the United Arab Republic the people there pay 5 cents a litre for fuel and yet dumb oil dependent westerners pay through the nose. And where is the vast profits from our minerals boom going to the foreign nationals who owns the companies that are mining it.

Manufacturing has been bleeding to death for years sacrificed on the altar of free market trade with China. It does not matter how good you were at your job you cannot compete with some one paid 50 cents an hour in China. Companies cannot get there ass out quick enough to go offshore. Thousands on manufacturing jobs have been lost to those regions. Jobs in those regions have not been replaced.Just empty promises from Politicians.

Tourism has been devastated by the high Australian dollar and the global financial crisis.Many domestic tourists are going overseas because of high Australian dollar. But the local tourism industry and in North Queensland is suffering badly as they relied on foreign tourists.

Homefire Thanks for the disturbing report from your region. I to have been down that all too familiar road that's why I work for myself, got tied of being the cannon fodder for progress. I hope there is light at the end of the tunnel for you somewhere and your beautiful region. You are 100% right that the government manipulates unemployment figures to their own ends.

 So in effect there is a very lop sided economy in Australia. You will have economists and politicians take an average number crunch and come out with a national unemployment rate. what they do not tell you is they do not include in the figure casual employment and under employment. Regional areas can have a very high unemployment higher than the national average. Some area it is as low 5% to 35% in other regions

Just to day there is scandal emerging ING investment company bought into Pubs across Australia at hugely inflated prices. Bit like sub prime disaster but in a commercial property scale. They need to dump these pubs to stay afloat they need to sell 300 pubs just to keep afloat because the big four banks want their money back. Superanuation companies have put money into ING as well and it looks like thousands of superfunds are going to take a big hit.They can only sell them at a 3rd of what they paid for them. This is only one of few more on the horizon.

So you see GD there is nothing really to show off about the Australian economy. It appears good to the outside world only if you do not look too closely. The situation over in West Australia would I imagine would be much different than in the Eastern States?

But I think you would be a better judge of what happening in west Aus?

And there is of course Britain and Europe. I wonder what is happening over there? I am hearing alarming things over there.

 I hope there are more positive signs for all of us in 2011



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« Last Edit: January 04, 2011, 07:47:56 am by hardluck »
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« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2011, 08:14:56 am »
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US isnt doing so hot either and if you break it down by states with-in a country mine/NY  is deffinately not doing well!! Our country is broke from all the bad investments,scandle and and gov. bailouts that ended up not being repayed as agreed upon. That leaves us with also a huge crisis with healthcare which ultimately was supposed to be under reform but there hasnt been much change other than more$/less coverage. My state has been wrapped up in scandle after scandle for years now  and for awhile although sort of imbearracing was also sort of entertaining. Our Gov. was using tax payer dollars to pay hookers among several other illegal activities he was involved in and then ourlocal branck of gov. and state officialls it has litterally been like rats deserting a sinking ship. Im trying to stay hopefull that this chaos will subside.


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« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2011, 03:40:33 pm »
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Hello phead

Thank you for the post I understand the frustration when year about government officials like that. In the state of N.S.W Australia when the state government was handing out a stimulus package. They decided our area needed a new police station. The minister who was minister of police signed off on the project was caught in a gay bar soliciting gay prostitutes. The government said it did not compromise his position as police minister.

Now the N.S.W Police do not own any police stations. they rent from a company owned by one man. Our existing police station was owned by him and the the land he wanted to redevelop for housing worth much more than the police station built on it. He was paid 17 million to his building company who built the new police station in another location he owns. Which he is now renting back to the police.

The building he built for police is an ugly tin shed not worth about 7 million let alone 17 million. So you can imagine where the rest has gone. And to top it off the owner of all the police stations in state owned the gay bar.

No conflict of interest there is there :Smiley I wonder if the minister got his happy snaps back. The deal was so dirty it reeked. on the opening day politicians turned kept their cars running made a quick speech cut the ribbon took some quick PR photos and were gone. That was our stimulus package.

It seems western governments really needs a vast overhaul of their bureaucracies. We have 7 State government 2 territorial governments and one federal government all for 21 million people. Too many on the gravy train in my country.



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« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2011, 05:20:15 pm »
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Are you in Australia? I'm from QLD but i'm living in London,

when did all this take place, the last time anything like this took place that i remember was in Queensland in 1987. when the Qld police were involved with the brothals in Brisbane and the Sunshine coast


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« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2011, 05:48:10 pm »
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When you all let then take away your Firearms, You Lost the battle.

United States of America

This article is part of the series:
United States Constitution

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Bill of Rights
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VI ? VII ? VIII ? IX ? X

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The Bill of Rights in the National Archives.
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Assault weapons ban
ATF Bureau
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Concealed carry in the U.S.
Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban
Federal Firearms License
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Firearm Owners Protection Act
Gun Control Act of 1968
Gun laws in the U.S. ? by state
Gun laws in the U.S. ? federal
Gun politics in the U.S.
National Firearms Act
Second Amendment to the Constitution
Straw purchase
Sullivan Act (New York)
Violent Crime Control Act

The Second Amendment (Amendment II) to the United States Constitution is the part of the United States Bill of Rights that protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, along with the rest of the Bill of Rights.

In 2008 and 2010, the Supreme Court issued two Second Amendment decisions. In District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), the Court ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to possess a firearm, unconnected to service in a militia[1][2] and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home. Additionally, the Court enumerated several longstanding prohibitions and restrictions on firearms possession that it found were consistent with the Second Amendment.[3] In McDonald v. Chicago (2010), the Court ruled that the Second Amendment limits state and local governmental authority to the same extent that it limits federal authority.[4]


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