Hello To All.
I am new to this forum and would like to say what a great forum it is.
I have been working on a few experiments of combining a traditional pi circuit with a powerful microcontroller.
All work will be open source with code, schematics and board files available to all.
What I am looking for is some suggestions on what pi circuit people would suggest as a starting base and what features would you like to be included..
As it is my idea's are as follows.
stm32f4 microcontroller to be used clock at 180Mhz.
microcontroller to be onbaord with pi circuitry.
4 layer pcb(a must with the microcontroller).
Majority of the circuit to be smd to save space.
All settings to be set via the microcontroller with digital pots.
Ability to save/load settings on the fly.
Have pi circuitry handle the bulk of the work and have the ability to annalise a target via the microcontroller.
Onboard inductance meter so we have the microcontroller set the pi to work with any coil(within reason).
Options to set the pi circuit to a small gold machine or normal.
Ability to set your own operating frequency or use a default.
Frequency to be handeled by microcontroller.
I did think about adding a gps module but I am not shore about it been worth the extra battery drain.
Chest mount control box.
My past experiments have led me to believe that processing and displaying such high speed signals is verry process hungry so signal processing should be only done once target is found.
I have the microcontroller and I have a limited knowledge with kicad software.
I have begun to design the GUI and will post a sample very soon..
Well that's what I have so far..
Thank you.
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« Last Edit: April 11, 2015, 08:09:06 am by gtdavid »