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Offline Engr Obaid
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« Reply #480 on: November 07, 2010, 11:47:25 pm »
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Dear Ameen,

  I was having the same problem with the Delta Plus (Old version) , where FET IRF 740 became very hot , than I used IRF840 instead of 740 but same issue were  remain exist ,  where in my experience the  single from the 556  to the gate of FET is too high  where it is not possible for the FET to handle it
Try to use some sort of variable resistance (100 ohms) between FET Gate IRF740 & Lm556 than see the result
, Though there is no any big logic exit in coil & FET section,
But see my (Reply #465) I have made delta plus 2, it is very good circuits, can detect big metal sheet   up to 3 meters, I found many coin & other items with this new delta plus I will send the photos later on

Best Regards,

Engr Obaid  Detecting


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« Reply #481 on: November 08, 2010, 06:37:52 am »
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i don't think so, irf 740/840 can handle max of 20volts at the gate, the 556 output is 10.6v square pulse, if you put 12volts to 556 it can handle it max of 15volts and the irf740 at 18volts to its gate, but the 4538 will heats up that is why it should 10.6volts to rx circuit op amps will operate on 10.6v that circuit. mosfet will heat if coil is attached, wrong shunt resistor at the output, and the transmitter is not working/oscillating, that is why in dp it should be tested with power on without the mosfet and directly test the lm556 out pin 5 to 4538 and pwm pin 9 to 4066 switches. so, oscilloscope is needed in checking the square wave and the operating frequency, (100hz-120hz square) for big targets, before wiring the mosfet.(740/840) .another improvements to dp for stable and full power output try to use sc1301 non inverting mosfet driver it will improve the mosfet drive capability. note: for beginners (put in mind "non inverting driver" or your dp will operate abnormally (timing error)

regards, ram,

Posted on: November 08, 2010, 06:30:41 AM
thanks japanese ! hahahahaha ! its ram electronics !

regards, ram,


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Offline Engr Obaid
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« Reply #482 on: November 08, 2010, 07:49:29 am »
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Dear, I know the whole scenario about the limitations of IC 556 & IRF740 Voltage rating every thing,
The designer of the circuits had come through all these issue, ( He is the real  master)

I am not interested to go deep about the circuit, I am sure that the signal from the 566 is much higher than the said values with Ameen Circuit ,   even if you attach 100 turns coil with the circuits it will heat up without  no shunt resister ,
It was my idea to Ameen, why with the accurate circuits designing & FET became heat up,
ever body didn't have oscilloscope with them , simple answer needed

Best Regards,

Engr Obaid


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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Engr Obaid »
Offline ram
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« Reply #483 on: November 08, 2010, 09:12:16 am »
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in circuits you should not guess for what happening, if you want proper and tuned operating circuit and working well, in this forum you must give the true and good idea to others w/c other members gave and do to us w/c is why we are here in this forum (gathering and sharing ideas to other members w/c is we think better than us or we'r, for example the oscilloscope you said, we are all know that there is a free oscilloscope software in the net that we could download for free and make our computers a working oscilloscope that's easy, so, we,you must give idea here w/c others could reliably used.  in your dp project as you said to your idea, your dp is not working well even you consult the wizards here, simple point, why you used 100 ohm in mosfet gate w/c is not in schematic, and why others build the dp w/out the 100 ohm, therefore, your dp is not working well. in this forum you must post true what happening to your circuits so that other members have high level of knowledge could help us w/c is free !! only our big THANK'S they expected to hear or read from us, think of it eng obaid...

regards, ram,


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Offline danny475
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« Reply #484 on: November 08, 2010, 12:09:01 pm »
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here are some pics for enterests

Posted on: November 08, 2010, 12:02:23 PM
here are the rests


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« Reply #485 on: November 08, 2010, 02:08:43 pm »
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Please put one video of actual tests


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Offline ram
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« Reply #486 on: November 08, 2010, 05:28:51 pm »
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hello danny 475, your dp construction is more prettier than my dp you have a good parts and circuit boards, here's my suggestion for more stable dp, use all metal enclosure to dp it will shield outside interference w/c dp is sensitive,

regards, ram,


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Offline danny475
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« Reply #487 on: November 09, 2010, 12:59:49 pm »
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hi ram thank you again
you mean the outside cover of the device ?
i should cover the electronic parts with metal box is that what you mean ?
i have anothe question
if i would like to make a 1.25*1.25 coil what is the data that i will refer to
awg ? number of turns ? and so on
and also i like to say to the members that the network cable or the dsl cable is not good as the winded coper coil
1st- the dsl cable is shilded thus makes a poor signal
2nd-the dsl wires are twisted together that makes the coil much more longer than a woonded one
3rd-the dsl wire of some companies is not coper completly it's somthing like brass
brass is aloy between zinc and coper so all the calculations of building a coil
4th- the wires in the tube are scatered and they can vibrate in the tube,,,,not they can vibrate.....they vibrate Exclusively and that can loose the signal and lets the irf to hit up
5th-you cant giue it in the tube while the coper wire wonded you can glue it and warnish it if you want
i used altico it workes grate not only grate excelent!!

see you all
by by


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« Reply #488 on: November 09, 2010, 04:42:34 pm »
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Hi danny475
                 Excellent work What results did you get?
best time


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Offline ram
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« Reply #489 on: November 09, 2010, 07:36:15 pm »
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hello danny475, experts this forum they used dsl cables, for me i din't try it in my country dsl cables are very expensive. it is best if you consult the experts gd1950,eugene52,cornilius,xavier you can consult to this wizards they will gave you exact calculations and explanations scientifically. for my 1x1mtr coil i used awg #21 cu with 13turns resistance of 2 ohm minus my multimeter error because of obsolete and old analog multimeter. my dp works well in this coil but it will eats up my battery due to high wattage output.  one thing, i used 2mtrs of rg58 belden coaxial cable going to dp.

regards, ram,


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