yup i really build those dp, my 1st dp pcb and schematic is from eugene 52. it works great. 2nd and 3rd pcb same works great. for now, i made some dp modification for more powerful dp.it will be posted soon after it will pass my actual test.
if you want to build metal detectors, just study the schematic if it works really. building detectors were basing in schematics, so, no way you can build those not working detectors. but if you build detector basing on given pcb w/out refering schematics and it dosn't work, that's not my problem. this is your problem bisaya, maybe you get some pcb copy and parts list then put parts then power on problem occur then thinking this circuit is not working. that's not the proper building technique, you must study the schematic, every parts you soldered to pcb should be corresponds to the schematic, then review after those parts were soldered to avoid bridging and errors.
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