With this scheme and values of the detector components is not working.! no sensitivity (sensitivity)!
Is there someone who has successfully built a detector was employed.??
Change the following:
C1 = 15nf or 22nf * C7 = 220uf or 1000uf * R1 = 680k or 470k * R5 = 2k2 1W or 680R 1W * R6 = 680R and 1k * R47, 49 = 2k or 1k * PR1 = 200k 220k or ....
but without results!
Is there any pattern isravna the forum ... and he and Abbott have detetotot and sensitivity.??
Please document the pattern and valid O components that will work detektrot sensitivity and materials!
spektar2007@yahoo.comthis scheme is wrong! ...Delta Pulse circuit
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