A hello again after a long time from Iran I have a gift for this forum members .
Its a discriminator circuit fol delta pulse
It work very well and its a real discriminator
If you use uykusuz version delta PCB all checkpoint shown at board if not you can use schematic
To adjust this board at first use button to do it zero
After that turn that multi-turn beside tl081 against the clockwise ,use button to zero again
And now turn that to clockwise slowly to see " FULL " in LCD ,zero again and its ready yo use
I use a standing multi-turn out of PCB to adjust it every where
The other multi-turn show battery voltage
Hex file limited again
All files are included this post
merry christmas
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There are 11 attachment(s) in this post which you can not view or downloadPlease register for viewing them. 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg LCD%20Tekibi.jpg PCB.pdf delta tknoloji.jpg disc.zip discriminator.zip gu.pdf malzeme listesi.pdf sema.pdf
« Last Edit: December 15, 2012, 02:20:26 pm by freedan3d »