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« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2007, 07:22:57 am »
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April 2007 Edition
Hard Copy Version
Oak Island Update! ? Cree Code Breaker Challenges 140-Year Old Cipher   

MAHONE BAY, Nova Scotia ?The enigma of Oak Island has been called one of the greatest archaeological and engineering achievements of mankind. Often referred to as Canada?s best known unsolved mystery, Oak Island proudly boasts it?s title for hosting the site of the World?s longest treasure hunt in recorded history. Now in its 212th year this 10 million dollar project that has selfishly taken the lives of six young men is no closer to being solved than it was in 1795 when three teen boys discovered a shaft here and began digging for what they believed to be pirate treasure! The boys excavated down to the 30 foot mark, exhausted and unable to continue they realized the dig would be a much larger effort then they first imagined. What the boys found as they dug convinced all three that they had indeed discovered a man-made vertical shaft of sound engineering. Their only conclusion was that it had been built to hide an enormous treasure. Knowing that a proper excavation required equipment, animals and manpower the boys set out to find investment capital. It took years but they did find an investor with whom they became the founders of the Onslow Company, the first of many treasure recovery companies that would come and go on Oak Island. To date the cost of this intoxicating treasure hunt has far exceeded ten million dollars and consigned six sturdy treasure hunters to an early grave.

Now for the first time since the 1860?s one man has come forward to challenge the translation of a cryptic message found etched into a stone that was discovered at the 90-foot mark in the original shaft in 1803 by the Onslow Company. The stone vanished about 1900 and no known image or text was preserved showing the cryptic message. However a Mahone Bay school teacher in 1909 claimed to have copied the two line, forty-character coded text directly from the stone hoping that he could break the code himself. He provided the only image of the codex known to exist stating the code was a simple letter-for-cipher that was accurately translated by Professor James Leitchi, a professor of languages at Dalhouse University in 1860?s. Leitchi?s translation reads? ?Forty feet below two million pounds are buried.? Although Leitchi?s translation has never been directly challenged it has always been suspicious since a business relationship is known to have existed between Leitchi and the Oak Island Association, the 1860?s recovery company. 

Recently Keith Ranville, a Cree First Nations researcher announced his challenge of Leitchi?s translation stating? ?Birch Island holds the secret to the meaning of the construction on Oak Island. According to the Lunenburg Progress Enterprise, Ranville claims that Leitchi?s method to break the code was flawed, citing that his translation using the First Nations tradition, sees the codex as individual abstract symbols that were never intended to be translated into a single message. Using Ranville?s method to decipher the code, which reads more like a map, Oak Island is directly linked to its sister island, nearby Birch Island by underwater man-made shafts. He cites the repeated use of the triangle from the original inscription and points to the large triangle that he discovered on Birch Island which is only visible from the air. The triangle on the 16-acre Birch Island takes up much of the Island which Ranville believes is also the ancient burial grounds for those who were involved with the complex construction found on Oak Island.   

Ranville?s work offers a completely different approach to solving the Oak Island mystery. Traveling across Canada Ranville has presented his findings to a number of scholars and groups many of whom have supported his work in principal. He has been interviewed on radio programs and his currently looking for funding to help pursue his research further. Those supporting Ranville?s research include mining engineer, Steve Zou, P.Eng.,PH.D, the Bear River First Nation of Nova Scotia, the Sault Ste. Marie Museum and to learn more you can log on to Ranville?s web site at:

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Interview with Mr. Ranville December-2006

Oak Island Stalker

n4n  also known as Sash Inman A member of the, Oak Island Tourism Society. Has been making deliberate attacks on my research. I have got calls & emails about this individual. About who is this n4n character and this Oak Island Tourism Society. They think he is a wacko they told me tell them to stop harassing them at once.

What direction my research goes is no ones business at this time, I have not collected any monies from raising money to procure my research any further. But what I can say is that I have been having meetings with a vast Funder from the United States. But that?s all I can say? due to creepy people like this Sasha Inman and his Organization.

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Keith Ranville

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« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2007, 01:22:07 pm »
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Treasure Hunter posters and admins,

My intent here is NOT to argue Keith's theory or steal any of his 'fame'; but rather to inform you of what is true and what is not; however, Keith brought me here with his unwarranted provocation of his previous post.

Oakster and his ghost writer partner are using this forum and his oakisland subdomain
found at

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, along with a variety of other such boards to solicit investment to the tune of $1.475 million with nothing more than a clever scheme created around an illusion of supporting letters, falsely misrepresenting information, and  by not disclosing pertinent information, such as applicable licenses or landowner permission. 

Oakster and I do have a previous history dating back to early 2006. In fact I was the one who first created Oakster an online account, as his computer skills are very limited.

see a screen cap of my gmail client.

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There is plenty more of that, but here is where he thanked me for all of my assistance.

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Unfortunately I did agree to assist Keith by furnishing him aerial photos and information of other treasure hunting activity in the very bay of which his Birch Island is located.  I was the one who offered the SPECULATION of rocks and soil conditions so as to explain the island's feature. We parted ways in Jul 06. It was only on 5 Jan 07 when I discovered the extent to which Oakster/Keith was running this scheme.

As such, I have a moral obligation to post this material because I do not wish anyone to be tricked and I certainly do not wish to be viewed as an accomplice.

In the fall of 05, the target of choice was the Big and Little Gooseberry Islands NNE of Oak Island, specifically the interconnecting semi-submerged gravel bridge connecting the two. Another location was on the Middle River, approx 7 km north of Oak Island. Dr. Zou was actually consulted about the Gooseberry Island feature, not Birch Island. I have the initial interpretation where Keith wrote in his own hand ?RIVER? and nothing to do with an island.

Without identifying any interesting aerial features to support his theory, Keith changed his interpretation in Apr 06 to an island called Big Island, or as Keith called it, Skull Island.  With as much conviction as he now shows for Birch Island, Keith attempted to sell his Skull Island theory with fancy interpretive drawings based upon discolorations observed on a rock of Oak Island. He attempted to use these drawings as confirmation for his revised interpretation.

Again, after finding no interesting surface features through aerial photos of Big Island, the search was on for another target location. On 31 May 06, Keith asked me for aerial photos of numerous locations, one such place was Birch Island, or ?that second island east of Oak Island?. Shortly after, he changed his interpretation to now indicate Birch Island.

In Jul 06 Keith and I parted our ways after a very bizarre attempt to include a clearly post-1800 failed English tombstone as his ?ancient? confirmation. Without even seeing the stone and only having a verbal description, Keith dug in his heals. During this period Keith was actively posting at forum.oakislandtreasure.co.uk. His posts are now listed as ?guest? because his account was banned and deleted for his ensuing exchange.

I posted a photo of the very stone described to Keith, which clearly showed what it to be. Keith replied the entire forum was conspiring against him and this stone was a trick and it was because he was a native. Several posters on that forum are local Mi?kmaq who do not agree.

Here is the basic structure to Keith?s illusion.

1.   Flood forum with self hype linking Birch Island to theme of forum
2.   Create illusion of support by associating letters to the theme of the forum
3.   State speculation as fact, do not disclose licensing and permission details, do not answer valid questions!

Here is detail to illustrate this structure of illusion.

1.   Flood a forum with self-hype news releases, attempting to link his ideas to the theme of the forum.

Here is an example of Keith linking his idea to Atlantis for an Atlantis forum,

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Here is a link to a screen capture of his posting on NBC Treasure Hunter, with the topic being the movie National Treasure and the whole Masonic reference. The thread was deleted by the NBC admin.

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Here is another linking his ideas to Shakespeare, for a Bacon Manuscript discussion This is a screen cap of cached google page of the NBC Forum, thread also deleted; however you can google ?Keith Ranville? +bacon to confirm the authenticity of my screen cap.

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The list actually goes on with associations to Da Vinci, pirates, etc etc etc.

2.  Associate letters of support for the related illusion as posted above. You can read the threads from above and see Keith?s attempt to link support letters from Dr. Zou, the Oak Island Tourism Society, the Bear River First Nation, and a Museum in S Ste Marie Ont all to his applicable forum illusion.

Support Letter from Dr. Zou - Yes Keith met with Dr. Zou of Dalhousie University Halifax. I spoke with Dr. Zou who indicates Birch Island was never discussed. During my first meeting with Keith in Jan 06, Keith was talking about something much different than Birch Island, and this is what he spoke about with Dr. Zou. The good Dr has since withdrawn his support and would rather offer a few choice words and snickers.

For those wishing to confirm this.
Steve Zou +1 902 494 3977 Steve.Zou@Dal.Ca Civil & Resource Engineering

Support Letter from the Oak Island Tourism Society - Yes Keith did at one time have a letter of support from the Oak Island Tourism Society; however, such support has been withdrawn. I cannot speak for this Society as I am not a member; however, you can contact them through their website at the following url

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I am awaiting reply from the Bear First Nation, and from Sault St Marie Museum, (who seems reluctant to acknowledge any such letter)

I have originals of Keith?s letters of support and you can see for yourself, these letters never once directly support any such claims.

3.    Would you represent your speculation as fact when you?re asking people for investment? Keith did this very thing in the same thread he was asking for money.
Please read the first sentence (and it is because of this very statement I have once again become involved)

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The tone of his offering is a factual statement. The problem (besides the obvious) is that Keith has never been to Birch Island, does not have sufficient qualifications to make such a statement, has not employed others to conduct any scientific testing, and does not possess any third party scientific data to back this statement. He has been requested on numerous occasions to provide any pertinent documents to back this statement, of which he is unable and does not reply.

As many of you well know, in Nova Scotia one requires a Treasure Trove License and other permits to conduct such work which including the permission of the landowner. When asked to provide various authorizations to conduct such work, Keith has declined to reply. Only after much badgering did Keith admit he merely has application for a TTL and other such permits. However, what he will not disclose is that he does not have permission of the landowner and has not received so much as a single reply from said landowner after almost eight months. I have contacted the landowner and was immediately put into contact with his lawyer. I am awaiting reply to the question ?Will you ever give Keith Ranville permission to dig for treasure on Birch Island??

Given the above information

-   why would one link various mysteries to Birch Island?
-   attempt to falsely link academic and public support and to maintain this illusion when such support has been withdrawn?
-   ask for investment dollars, when no reasonable possibly of obtaining permission and licensing exists?

Still to this day, the steps identified above are employed.

I am not concerned for the vast majority of reasonably cautious people, but rather those who could be viewed as ?prey?.

Now for an example of just how cunning the illusion can be.

Various accounts have been employed by Keith for the purpose of creating an illusion of internet support. The supporting post is made in one forum, then spammed across various other forums as attached quotes or direct posts made by Keith
For example

Post # 22 made at January 18, 2007 at 7:52 am

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is the exact same post you made at the CTV Canada AM thread, but while logged in as himself, Oakster, AKA Keith Ranville

Read post #23 then within 10 minutes

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See the Concerned Citizen in one, but Canadian Citizen in the other? hmmm

The server local times account for the time zone difference. During this 10 minutes, several other sites were spammed with the same post including the editing of his last post in this thread.

Why must an attempt to create an illusion of either different people posting under the same name, or the same person posting under different names? This sort of activity seems most bizarre and unusual, unless this illusion is part of an overall scheme?

Please PM me with any of your concerns. I for one do not appreciate having anything less than honest representation for the treasure hunting profession, hobby, and community at large.

In closing I will leave you with an observation made in the final sentence of Post #33 at the following link

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?He (Keith) has the distinction of being the first man to bring an element of fraud into the Oak Island story after 212 years of honest men with honest intentions doing honest work.?


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« Last Edit: January 20, 2007, 01:26:52 pm by n4N224CCW »

Just ask me about Oak Island or visit

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« Reply #22 on: January 20, 2007, 02:21:51 pm »
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Oak Island tourism Society and the Oak Island Forum U.K Witch Hunters

They're Responsible for making threats To Mr. Keith Ranville
The Oak Island Tourisim Society have been harrasing' First Nations Researcher Mr. Keith Ranville and his Canadian Heritage Research; Mr. Danny Hennigar or Tank a spokes man & Member for the Oak Island Tourism Society and his known Partner Sash Inman or N4N are spear-heading a asault on a Canadian Heritage Project that involves all canadians. this Oak Island society runs on DONATIONS from the public.
in return they spread propaganda or hate Anonymously' with strange behavior through groups of people from the Oak Island Forum U.K they maliciously shut down my thread on the NBC Treasure Hunters, and are working on this thread. These are not Nice People they are manipaltive, with the money they recieved from donations they grown to attack anyone they choose to.

Be aware of these people and if you can check out the rude behavior they did on NBC Treasure Hunters that they had shut down if its is available. I dont know why these two Organizations are so afraid of me and my discoveries' it is begining to look because of my origin's.

these people are full of hate and if they dont like my discoveries they can look the other way. there are many people angry with these two organizations and there horible treatment towards one Canadian Native Indian because of his amazing ability to make some remarkable discoveries. These People seem like some kind of witch hunters. they are right out of the dark ages.No wonder these people dont have discoveries of there own? they are to busy sticking there noses where it dont belong, and this n4n dose not have any reconmondation letters article to back up his claims' s but his verbal unknown word , he is a over zealous jeaslous obsessive individule that is oddly obsessed with the attention I am getting saying he is not at sound mind and defently has social issues.     


First Nations Researcher

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A Quote

R Roberts

I see no reason that this fellow regardless his origins should not have his own theories about this long standing mystery........

Only one thing has been established is that the "money pit was not the product of an overnight shore party from a pirate ship but an extensive, engineering feat. It certainly was not done in a day regardless of the period.

wake up and smell the coffee not the pot


mysterytrivia said,
January 12, 2007 at 1:43 pm

Thanks for clueing me in. He seemed to have too strong of an opinion for a casual observer.

I admire your dedication and passion Keith. So few people have either in their lives and I know what hard work it is to actually do something about anything as their are always obstacles and naysayers.

To me, an open mind is one of the greatest treasures, and I look forward to hearing about where your research is taking you.


Mystery Trivia

What is the point of this individual and his obsession with Mr. Keith Ranville and why doesn?t he have a theory of his own?
Mr. Ranville look's to be doing a wonderful exciting thing for this Oak Island
Mystery the best theory heard yet. I see no reason why he should need some outside person or person's to tell him or anyone how his project should be run. I find it odd that why a person would try involve himself in something he has nothing to do with, let' alone try to explain to everyone how things should be laid out. I also see no written documentation from this Sash Inman' but his verbal word. Which is in question because due to his mental status and his obsession with Mr. Ranville.
It would be in Mr. Inman best interest to move on and get on with his life' and stop living a fantasy of trying include himself in someone else's achievements.



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« Last Edit: January 21, 2007, 12:33:49 am by OAKSTER »

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« Reply #23 on: January 20, 2007, 10:51:04 pm »
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WOW intresting Welcome aboard


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« Reply #24 on: February 01, 2007, 06:26:46 am »
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The Oak Island Mystery
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The mysterious ?money pit? of Oak Island, in Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, has stymied treasure hunters for decades. The site was first discovered in 1795 by a local teenager, Daniel McGinnis, who found a ship?s tackle block hanging from a tree branch, overhanging a large depression in the ground. McGinnis and friends John Smith, and Anthony Vaughan dug to 30 feet and temporarily gave up. In 1803, they and the Onslow Company begin excavatiing, hitting layers of timber and clay every 10 feet, until they broke through a clay booby trap at 90 feet and were flooded out, when seawater rushed in from a tunnel to a nearby bay, filling the pit to sea level.
In 1804, the Onslow Company dug a parallel pit to 110 feet. This too flooded when they attempt to tunnel over the Money Pit. Apparently they discovered a flagstone at the 90 foot depth, with an inscription on the stone. James Leitchi, a professor of languages at Dalhousie University, suggested that it was a simple-substitution cipher, which read, "Forty Feet Below Two Million Pounds Are Buried". But Leitchi was involved in a treasure hunting company trying to sell stocks, and the stone may have been a fraud.

In 1849, the Truro Company started digging. They were able to drill through 2 casks filled with "loose metal", and claimed to have recovered 3 gold chain links. In 1850, a subterranean waterway and artifical beach were found at Smith's Cove.

The first life was claimed by Oak Island in 1861, when a man was scalded to death by an exploding boiler. That year, the bottom literally fell out of the so-called money pit, as the items that had been at 100 feet feel farther down to hole thanks to weakening of the pit by several cross tunnels.

In 1893, Fred Blair and The Oak Island Treasure Company begin their investigations, first investigating the causes of the cave-in. In 1897, a triangle rock formation was discovered, and a cement vault and parchment were supposedly found during drilling. A second life was lost that year when Maynard Kaiser fell to his death while being pulled out of the pit. In 1899, a second flood tunnel, The South Shore Tunnel, was discovered.

leftlThe "money pit" has been dug and excavated many times - one enthusiastic treasure hunter was a young Franklin Roosevelt, who invested in a 1909 excavation attempt. But even modern engineering has failed to crack the mystery of various staggered layers of logs, clay, ships putty, coconut matting, charcoal and iron. Further booby traps have either opened the pit to sea flooding, or caused it to collapse and kill treasure hunters.
In 1936, a second inscribed stone was supposedly discovered, and more evidence of the original cofferdam found. A further tragedy happened on August 17, 1965, when four treasure seekers drowned in the money pit, overcome by gas, likely carbon monoxide from a generator. In 1971, a new group of treasure hunters lowered a camera into the pit and reportedly captured images of wooden chests and human remains.

So what is at the bottom of the Oak Island mystery? Does it contain Spanish treasure, buried by Captain Kidd, or perhaps the Royal Crown Jewels of France (which went missing in 1791 and were said to have been smuggled to Louisburg), a Masonic "Secret Vault" containing the Holy Grail, the treasures of King Solomon's temple, Viking or Pirate booty, Inca treasure, payroll for colonial British soldiers, or even the secret writings of Francis Bacon.

A new theory has been suggested recently by researcher Keith Ranville, who believes that nearby Birch Island, owned by Toronto financier Christopher Ondaatje may be part of the mystery. The 16-acre island features a large triangle which takes up a good portion of the landscape.

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