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Offline Keith RanvilleTopic starter
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« on: August 16, 2006, 02:03:44 pm »
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"New Discoveries In Mahone Bay"

Mr. Keith Ranville has applied for the treasure trove License, of birch Island, Birch Island is two Island east of Oak Island Nova Scotia. with a impression of a Triangle pointing south ward.  the Island its self was worth 180 thousand dollars but that has change since my theory was publicized. the treasure trove licence is for five years.  
I also applied for the special Places Permit as well you need this permit as well, for the treasure trove licence.
This is a quote from the Oak Island secrets Treasure      
By  D'Arcy O'Connor.

The most mystifying clue awaited the workers at the nintie foot level . Here, just before hitting another oak platform , they unearthed a large flat stone on which was engraved a stange inscription that none of them could decipher.  

The story or this stone and it eventual fate is one of the many frusturating footnotes to the Oak Island Mystery. More Likely a stone with some sort of markings was found , for it is mention in all the early accounts of the Onslow Company's operations, and was reportedly seen by hundreds of persons before its disappearance in 1919. For many years the stone was used by John Smith as a curiuo piece set into his fire place of his home on Oak Island. there it was examined by many members of later search groups , including A.O Creighton who was partners in the Halifax bookbinding firm of A.H Creighton In 1865, while he was treasurer of an Oak Island search synddicate Creighton brought the stone to Halifax. where it was displayed at his shop to atract prospective investors in the Oak island project.            

This paragragh was left out from the post from the other posts on the Oak Islands mysterious symbols post some people only tell you half of what they, dont want you to know. this part was left out. it was a quick slide of the truth.  

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Keith Ranville

« Last Edit: August 22, 2006, 02:54:14 am by OAKSTER »

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« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2006, 07:05:55 am »
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satilite image:

This is where there area of the Triangle on Birch Island on the right angle, there is a artificial beach similar to the smiths cove artificial beach. as you can see there is a deepen water area. at the right angle of the triangle. then you can see the outer contours of the underwater beach area in between the  beach and outer contours the water deepens. That is the place of co-ordinates mentioned on the money pit's inscriptions the "arrow to right triangle"two symbols. this triangle on birch Island is not natural.

Discoverer of the Birch Island Triangle

Keith Ranville

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Keith Ranville

« Last Edit: August 22, 2006, 02:59:05 am by OAKSTER »

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« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2006, 07:15:26 am »
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The new Translations by Keith Ranville Researcher:

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The accepted translation by the Halifax professor was:

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My descriptive translated seem more accepted.



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Keith Ranville

« Last Edit: August 24, 2006, 04:39:44 pm by OAKSTER »

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« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2006, 07:26:42 am »
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<-Birch Island is two Islands east of Oak Island->

There was a stone triangle on Oak Island, south of the money pit. It is was at a right angle to  the birch Island trangle's right angle, and the triangles both point south/north of each other.  and they are both divided in the middle at south/north these clues are not by chance. this is a treasure map that I decoded.      
I was tip off by the two symbols Triangle & arrow to the right angle on the inscriptions on the tablet that was found in the 90 foot level of the money pit in 1803' that was the true treasure. if people only new. what I figured out. I am at the front doors of this Treasure Mystery.      

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Keith Ranville

« Last Edit: August 18, 2006, 07:56:04 am by OAKSTER »

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« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2006, 08:22:55 am »
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The symbols are translated descriptivly:

I tried to decoded these symbols by using the letter for symbol and nothing made sense.
It is when I tapped into my Native heratage understandings I then was able to breakdown these symbols by describing each as a perception of a unique thought proccess produced from my Canadian Native background it will plays a role in solving this treasure mystery as well as my Scotish & French metis lineage.

keith "Teaches" his understandings on Thunting.com

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Keith Ranville

« Last Edit: August 18, 2006, 08:47:16 am by OAKSTER »

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« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2006, 09:18:39 am »
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This photo was taken from a Mark Finnan Book
Oak Island Secrets':

It was a labeled Dagger Markings in the Book.
since I been Researching the mahone Bay area my perception has been heighten this is my interpretation of this photo on a skull shape stone found on Oak Island, at the center of a  bouldered Cross. there is more to this stone that meets the eye. There are more ecthings I can make out. I have a intriguing connection to the mystery in Mahone Bay. I believe this treasure is slowly giving up it secrets to meself.

Keith 'Teaches' A few thought's in-sight.
on Thunting.com

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Keith Ranville

« Last Edit: August 19, 2006, 06:02:00 am by OAKSTER »

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« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2006, 05:53:37 am »
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A Mi'kmaq perspective on the Collision between European and Native American Civlizations

This new, twenty-first -century edition of We were Not the Savages is the culmination of the author's thoughtful rewritings and updatings of the first edition and bestseller. It eloquently expands upond the content of the first edtion and includes shocking new information about the confrontation between Amerindian and European civlizations. This single volume provides a comprehensive and uncompromising narrative of how the democratic and peacful Mi'kmaq people were brought to the edge of extintion by a GREEDY, brutal and arogant enemy. It also chronicals the many abuses the FIRST NATION people have suffered under the misadministration of Canada's Indian Act and explores the complex challenges they now face with non-Native Society.

Daniel N. Paul's re-examination of historical records cast serious doubt on early military and political figures society has honoured as heros, and brings us to face to face with the question of who the savages really were when Europeans invaded the Americas. Paul's exposer of continuing injustices challenges the image most of us hold of Canada as unfair and compassioate country.

Keiths interview with Author Daniel N. Paul

Mr. Daniel N. Paul had told me about the history of the heritage in Nova Scotia and how the Europeans treated the MiK'Maq people. Mr. Daniel N. Paul tells many painful & brutal accounts to many to mention, inflicted on the Mi'kMaq People and how the History books were cooked to protect the image of the ealier Euorpeans.

Mr. Paul is one of many people I had a chance to speak with he opened my eyes about my research that I was investigating. and the stigma I will be up against, as I am a Cree First Nation Native not only I am not from the local Native Bands or the Nova Scotia Local Europeans as well. When I speak of the the Oak Island Mystery to Mi'KMaq People I got mixed acounts on stories and found them to be  were very interesting stories. I met  Mi'kMaq Native Elders, an Native spiritural leaders and they told me information about many things that are a head of me' I now know what they were talking about as I am  at the near end of my research.

This Oak Island Treasure Mystery has been very challenging it has been a day to day adventure. I hold information you cant get from any book, that is what made my research very unique as for me theory it may have Bruised all Oak Islands theories ego. and changed the  Oak Island Treasure hunt completly.

The Oak Island treasure will be found with my methods
Birch Island's Triangle holds the secrets to this mystery.

Canada's National Treasure

OAKSTER or Keith Smiley

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Keith Ranville

« Last Edit: August 21, 2006, 07:53:48 am by OAKSTER »

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« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2006, 09:14:33 pm »
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How Birch Island Trangle came to be with me Smiley

the two symbols, the arrow to the right angle to triangle. depicts birch Island alone along with other evidence. when I translated the stone I never new where Birch Island was.It was when I read it over and over again and it start making sense' the symbols are talking about a triangle or two of them so, anyway there was a stone triangle that was on Oak Island south of the money pit, pointing north so I said to meself this must be the first triangle. now where is the second triangle it must be of the right angle of this stone triangle there was no other triangle on Oak Island so I then went to gooogle satilite and zoomed down to Oak Island and went east from the right angle of the stone triangle that was once on Oak Island. and low and behold the second Island I come to had this huge impression of a triangle on it pointing south.And at a right angle to to the Oak Island triangle to boot."
these symbols co-relate with my exploration on satilite and the stone triangle on Oak Island.
the rest of the symbols must be what goes on in the Birch Island triangle.

What might be down there that is the 64 dollar question I believe in the Birch Islands triangle  there is a record of the history of the people responsible for the construction and the glyphs in Mahone bay there M.O seems ancient' so there maybe stone writtings about there past' it will be the treasure just like the money pits inscribed stone it was overlooked and thought to be unimportant and worthless little anyone new it was the treasure. Grin

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Keith Ranville

« Last Edit: August 22, 2006, 03:01:17 am by OAKSTER »

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« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2006, 10:41:54 am »
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The Triangle that was on Oak Island

This is the first triangle that was found on Island it was pointing north, at the right angle of this triangle  it goes east to the second triangle that is Birch Islands triangle it points south and the triangles are both each divided in half from south to north.
This is what the symbols say' every thing is at a right angle.  
this artificial beach & tunnel in this diagram of Oak Islands Smiths Cove is to be simalar to Birch Islands triangles right angle Beach area.  


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Keith Ranville

« Last Edit: August 22, 2006, 04:46:23 am by OAKSTER »

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« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2006, 11:02:15 am »
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A possible who theory

The Micmac are an Algonquian tribe living in that part of eastern Canada called Acadia. In contrast to most tribes of North American Indians, the Micmac possess their own written language. This language was supposedly invented and taught to them by Pierre Maillard, a French priest who lived among the Micmac in the Eighteenth Century. The strange part about the Micmac writing is that its signs are often very similar to Egyptian hieroglyphs having the same meanings. B. Fell made this association in his book America B.C. He noted further that the priest Maillard actually had died 61 years before Champollion first published his decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphics. It is unreasonable, therefore, to believe that Maillard could have invented Micmac writing with its Egyptian affinities. Either the affinities are the product of chance or Precolumbian contacts occurred between the Micmac and Egyptian voyagers.

My intereset is the triangle symbol in Mi'kMaq its some thing to think about, this all took place in the Mi'k Maq's backyard. the meaning of triangle in the Mi'k Maq glyphs may shed some light to what is in the Birch Island's triangle.    


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Keith Ranville

« Last Edit: August 22, 2006, 03:17:27 am by OAKSTER »

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