Greetings to all, I an an amateur on every level of exploration and a novice rock hound at best. However I am a natural sleuth. I am hoping someone might be able to verify the face on this artifact. It was found in America and depicts Ninurta in his horned helmet with his talking mace, beheading Azag while Azag looks back at him. I am holding back one fact of this piece as a further proof that leads me to believe Sumeria or ancient Middle Eastern people were right here as well, thousands of years ago. I found technology, batteries and light bulbs and panels hidden just below the surface of the earth which could be lifted and then anchored off ( I have counter weights, various screws that were connected to a steel cable 3" in diameter ) while being used as a place of worship, then lowered back into position to look like the normal ground again.
I'll try to post pictures now, please bare with me.
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