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Offline Alan HassellTopic starter
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« on: September 12, 2009, 07:04:26 pm »
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It is indeed a big claim to make but Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett have done it together with Alan Hassell's help.
Some of you would love to know more and ask a million and one questions about this find.

 I dont like arguments for one thing although I do feel you the public are entitled to know what is going on. I live a busy and hectic life and my time is valuable but I am prepared to give only a certain amount of information away.
Please remember I do not have to do this, so please do not complain, I am only trying to help you get to the truth at the end of the day.

Wilson and Blacket have written another book entitled The discovery of the Ark of the Covernant by Grant Berkley, you might be able to get a copy from Amazon.com or Foundation of the European and American Cultural Heritage
Vicarage Court - St. James
Benwell Lane
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE15 6RS UK.

The Writers go into great detail as to how they finally located the last resting place of the Ark that has been hidden for nearly 2,500 years.
They explain how it was bought to Britain and how it's finally resting place was built. They even tell you it's location however you must be aware that the site is well protected and covered by interlectual knowledge too.
This means that even if you were to get lucky and try to rob or even recover the Ark you would lose it in the coroners court.
Statuary declarations exist too which puts a damper on any would be optimist out to make a name for themselves.
We dont do things like spending years researching and then doing expensive surveys using metal detectors and hiring expensive Ground Penetrating Radar for no reason at all.

Having covered the legalities and got contracts with landowners which are binding we can disclose a little information.
The book, tells how they have solved the real history that has been manipulated by Governments and the Church for centuries.
The Mabinogion is a dedicated document that reveals everything except unless you understand the Welsh language you will like all English academics confuse the meaning of the welsh language.

They also go onto to describe the real histories which are written in the Nag Hamadi scrolls, which were written long before the Bible.
But hey, I could write about this all night, which I have no intention of doing, because I want you to learn the truth for yourself and no one else.

It may even effect you in one way or another, The ten lost tribes of Israel were never lost they were with us all the time.
There are 359 pages of the most revealing historical facts ever released to the general public and the contents will amaze and startle you.
Who knows maybe you can trace yourself back to some of the historical people that are mentioned.

Its your choice, I am only a messenger, passing on good information.


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« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2009, 12:28:54 am »
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Alan this is all very well but unless we can actually see the Arc, no one can claim to have found it. The Coptic Church of Ethiopia claims to have posession of the Arc in their sanctuary but no one has seen it.


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Offline Alan HassellTopic starter
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« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2009, 05:47:04 am »
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Quote:Posted by salvor6
Alan this is all very well but unless we can actually see the Arc, no one can claim to have found it. The Coptic Church of Ethiopia claims to have posession of the Arc in their sanctuary but no one has seen it.

Hmmmmm you raise an interesting point but all the information regarding the Ark and its discovery is already published in book form and available to the general public. 
There were replica's of the Ark made too in order to protect the genuine one, as no ones ever seen what the The Coptic Church of Ethiopia has it must be assumed as being one of the replica's.
Why do you think AW & BB spent years researching the past histories apart from revealing the Real History?
One of the reasons for making this claim should be fairly obvious to even you if it has not done so already.
Interlectual knowledge in book form cannot be disputed especially when it comes to anything where the establishment is concerned.
You may not realise it but the very undemocratic Govt in the Uk decided that after the release of Artorious Rex Discovered the authors were black listed and no one would touch thier work.
So if you cant get anything published in the UK you go elsewhere out of the control of the Establishment which is exactly what they did and continue to do so.
Dont you think for just one minute what it must be like knowing that just a few feet below where your standing there could be an item so sought after that it is considered priceless.  Dont you think that it has not entered our minds to just go ahead and dig the dammed thing up just to take pics of it?
Dont you think that there is a certain protocol that has to be followed in order to make dig legally in the UK if you want and I emphasise the word want to claim whatever you find as treasure trove?
Do you realise what it costs for such a dig and operation to take place?  Hmmm that is if the powers to be were willing to permit such a dig in the first place?   Which is highly questionable as to why they will not allow it in order to prove or disprove what the authors believe to be the truth.
You might instead question why the British Government will never grant such a dig to take place?  Any other country in the world would be over the moon were it to have been found there and the media would be having a field day too.
No other country on this planet has altered, changed and re-invented the histories that were written long before the modern inventions created to hide and conceal the past. 
By making it all public knowledge and putting this information into the public domain we are in actual effect protecting our knowledge at the same time....
In Actual fact there is a book being written about this where everything is being disclosed including the actual co-ordinates in order that anyone can find the sites for themselves.
Dont you think we have even considered drilling a hole and lowering a small CCTV down it in order to gain evidence?
Maybe you should read an article on my website called,"treasure is not for the finder."
Greedy Governments do all they can to put up as many barriers in the way of laws to stop and hinder treasure hunters.
You only have to consider what the state of Florida did to Mel Fisher after he discovered the Atocha.... Greed is a terrible thing.


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« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2013, 12:25:45 am »
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"There were replica's of the Ark made too in order to protect the genuine one, as no ones ever seen what the The Coptic Church of Ethiopia has it must be assumed as being one of the replica's."......Who's to say the Ark you are speaking of is not a replica as well....I do not see your evidence, either.

"Interlectual knowledge in book form cannot be disputed especially when it comes to anything where the establishment is concerned.".....Unless you are being sarcastic (which I hope you are), then all my Curious George books from the 60s are the truth and nothing but the truth!


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« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2013, 02:35:10 pm »
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New evidence has placed the Ark in Yemen. In 2008 archaeologists found pottery shards with Proto-Canaanite language describing the relocation of the Ark by Menelik, son of King Soloman. His mother was the Queen of Sheba (Yemen).

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« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2013, 04:43:28 pm »
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I wish Alan didn't get Pee Pee Hearted and take off some times.


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« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2018, 08:38:15 am »
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I have just sent an e-mail but it was returned undelivered, to Alan Wilson (as follows) ...

Dear Alan and A.T.B.,

Would you please telephone me.
The information I have found may be significant and (I believe) very dangerous to the STONE and to the ITEMS you have sent to person(s) in Pennsylvania.

I am a VERY dedicated follower of your work: a plain speaking man and am wary of a certain institution in Pennsylvania.

Thank you.
Most Sincere Regards,



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« Last Edit: March 21, 2018, 01:07:12 pm by Ridge Runner »
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« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2018, 01:09:40 pm »
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I have removed the phone numbers because personal data should only be sent via the PM system to those who contact you.

Alan hassel is no long a member here due to past behaviour.


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