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« Reply #20 on: June 20, 2010, 02:45:40 am »
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I believe Hassell has contributed NOTHING to history.
All he's done is recycled (such as shallow water hunting) other peoples efforts, and tried to take the credit.
It's all utter rubbish,(In fact the Marvel comics which you suggest are actually MORE believable!) Your agenda is "Welsh Nationalism" - Nothing more, Nothing less.
Mention Hassell at the British Museum and they all fall around laughing....
And yes, I do feel ashamed to be sharing the same breathing space as people like you, what's the psuedonym you use posting videos etc?... "witchgirl" or something like that I believe.........
Grow up and learn a few things about the world, such as, people may not always agree with you point of view.......
I personally, would like to see you banned


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« Reply #21 on: June 20, 2010, 05:55:28 am »
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Come on Paul you know she isn't a witch, just a  little high school girl that Alan hired to do his bidding, Her face will clear up soon and her daddy will buy her a bow and she will go away on her own


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If you believe everything you read you are reading to much.
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« Reply #22 on: June 20, 2010, 09:08:54 am »
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Just remember guys, insult is most often a two way street.  Please don't admonish somebody for insulting another member, and then turn around and insult that person yourself.    Turn about is not fair play.  If they are insulting you, add them to your ignore list.  If they continue to be insulting even though you've given them no reason to continue, then staff can poke a sharp stick in their eye.  Sometimes the most effective recourse to the antagonists is to just ignore them, as has been evident by couple of recent resignations from the board.  People give up trying to be antagonists when nobody pays attention to their tilting at windmills.


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« Last Edit: June 20, 2010, 09:11:18 am by bigwater »

Anybody who says "it can't be done" will usually be interrupted by somebody who is already doing it.

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« Reply #23 on: June 26, 2010, 07:53:37 am »
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Quote:Posted by bigwater
Just remember guys, insult is most often a two way street.  Please don't admonish somebody for insulting another member, and then turn around and insult that person yourself.    Turn about is not fair play.  If they are insulting you, add them to your ignore list.  If they continue to be insulting even though you've given them no reason to continue, then staff can poke a sharp stick in their eye.  Sometimes the most effective recourse to the antagonists is to just ignore them, as has been evident by couple of recent resignations from the board.  People give up trying to be antagonists when nobody pays attention to their tilting at windmills.

I thought the main purpose of this site was to share information with other members without fear of being stalked and your topic attacked and discredited.
Anyone reading this thread from page 1 will see how you gentlemen welcome anyone offering up information that you may disprove of for your own motives and agenda's.
You forget that other members could be interested in this type of research apart from yourselves.
What you fail to know is that a group of researchers not connected with either Mr. Wilson, Mr. Blackett or Mr. Hassell have recently discovered a 1500 to 2000 year old ancient artifact of great historical importance.
Naturally scientific test are undergoing to test it by Carbon 14 tests to ensure its authenticity.
This artifact by the way confirms that the hard work of these historian is 100% correct.
The point i am trying to make is that, there are people on this forum that do take an interest in other peoples efforts because they could be researching similar subjects no matter what they may be.
Had you gentlemen left the thread alone it may not of attracted to many hits.  You efforts to discredit myself and others has worked against you.
Everytime one of you swoops like a wolf pack in a mad rush to have another go at me you put the thread back on top, and attracts others to see whats going on.
Everytime one of you gentlemen make a reply, you give me the right to do the same It is counter productive.
Now, if you gentlemen think about it, if you leave this thread alone it will die a natural death whis is what you wanted in the first palce.   Have a nice day gentlemen, your members may want to question you about your motives and agenda in the future.  Grin


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« Reply #24 on: June 26, 2010, 04:30:08 pm »
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Quote:Posted by HERES LUCY
Had you gentlemen left the thread alone it may not of attracted to many hits.  You efforts to discredit myself and others has worked against you.
Everytime one of you swoops like a wolf pack in a mad rush to have another go at me you put the thread back on top, and attracts others to see whats going on.
Everytime one of you gentlemen make a reply, you give me the right to do the same It is counter productive.
Now, if you gentlemen think about it, if you leave this thread alone it will die a natural death whis is what you wanted in the first palce.   Have a nice day gentlemen, your members may want to question you about your motives and agenda in the future.  Grin

Are you so arrogant that you believe only you can educate the masses here? Those reading this and other threads do have brains and can think for themselves. Unlike you, who appears to follow the world view of two of the Internet's biggest crackpots, most people here can view the evidence for themselves and decide who is fooling who. Keeping this thread alive is working against you, mate. Everyone gets to see your comments over and over and over and over and . . .

Get the idea yet? I am a well respected moderator with more than 3000 posts. And you? Your 9 posts are all from some wackadoodle zone. Guess who has more credibility here? Go on. Try and guess.


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It's all about that moment when metal that hasn't seen the light of day for generations frees itself from the soil and presents itself to me.
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« Reply #25 on: June 26, 2010, 06:15:14 pm »
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My only point was that insults, and admonition to insults wich include return insults, are leading to some threads spinning out of control.  There's not any reason for it.  No matter how badly two sides may disagree on a subject, the subject should be debated rather than argued.  Debate involves logic and reason, not emotion and name calling.

It's like when you were a kid and you started out having a snowball fight with the other neighborhood kids.  Yeah, you're all on different sides, and it can turn into a real battle, but it's all good clean fun until somebody packs a rock inside a snowball.  Then things can get ugly.

Let's try to keep the rocks out of the snowballs.


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« Last Edit: June 26, 2010, 06:43:04 pm by bigwater »

Anybody who says "it can't be done" will usually be interrupted by somebody who is already doing it.

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« Reply #26 on: June 26, 2010, 06:59:18 pm »
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Mental Note:    wackadoodle zone         Remember this one!!!   LOL!   Great


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« Reply #27 on: June 26, 2010, 09:04:35 pm »
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Quote:Posted by bigwater
My only point was that insults, and admonition to insults wich include return insults, are leading to some threads spinning out of control.  There's not any reason for it.  No matter how badly two sides may disagree on a subject, the subject should be debated rather than argued.  Debate involves logic and reason, not emotion and name calling.

It's like when you were a kid and you started out having a snowball fight with the other neighborhood kids.  Yeah, you're all on different sides, and it can turn into a real battle, but it's all good clean fun until somebody packs a rock inside a snowball.  Then things can get ugly.

Let's try to keep the rocks out of the snowballs.

Sorry, big guy, but this has moved on from the facts under discussion to the facts of the source. Deal with it please instead of trying to make those who support you in every way into the bad guys here. As a moderator, I am pointing out Heres Lucy's flaws in the facts he presents.

Have a closer look. According to Lucy, they (Alan and Alan, Incorporated) found irrefutable evidence which is being carbon 14 dated. Oh, dear. Why is that dating necessary if it is irrefutable? His source of data is VERY refutable if it has to be dated before he can present it. Go back and read the original posts from Alan Hassell regarding Artorius Rex (King Arthur for those who prefer to speak English) and you can see where he takes a creek bed full of ceramic tiles and claims that they are proof positive of coming from the legendary Camelot. Why is that proof positive? Because Alan and Alan, Incorporated say so and they are the ones who found them.

Then look at the theory of a comet strike in ancient Britain. There's not a shred of physical evidence of a comet having struck any time in Britain but the fact that a village seems to have moved from one location to another is once again proof positive to Alan and Alan, Incorporated that the comet struck. Never mind the fact that a comet would smush the residents when it hit them. Nothing like that comes up. The comet made them move all their huts and things though. Even though a rational thinking human being knows that a comet is pretty heavy and will really do a lot of damage (like killing off life as we know it around the globe), that village moving a few kilometers from where it was means a comet hit there.

If you are trying to be a peace maker here, do us all a favor and do some research into what is being discussed first. Read carefully and figure out what exactly is being discussed. That Rodney King attitude of hand-wringing and asking, "Can't we all just get along!" is getting the wrong point across. The fact that several people here are discussing it means there's something to discuss. When there's nothing left, nobody will discuss it. If this thread disturbs you, there is a means for you to ignore it. Just don't read it.


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« Last Edit: June 26, 2010, 09:09:02 pm by GoldDigger1950 »

It's all about that moment when metal that hasn't seen the light of day for generations frees itself from the soil and presents itself to me.
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« Reply #28 on: June 26, 2010, 09:26:47 pm »
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Hassell have recently discovered a 1500 to 2000 year old ancient artifact of great historical importance.
Naturally scientific test are undergoing to test it by Carbon 14 tests to ensure its authenticity.
This artifact by the way confirms that the hard work of these historian is 100% correct.

Come on Lucy your starting to sound like the Yammy hunters we found something but we can't tell you what just blindly believe me the only thing missing is asking for money. If you want us to believe any of this show some proof.

Had you gentlemen left the thread alone it may not of attracted to many hits.  You efforts to discredit myself and others has worked against you.

I don't think so I have got 3 pm's in the last week wondering why this thread has not been moved to the comedy board. Lucy they are laughing at you just like they laughed at Alan.


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If you believe everything you read you are reading to much.
Treasure is a Harsh  Mistress

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« Reply #29 on: June 26, 2010, 10:29:39 pm »
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Quote:Posted by GoldDigger1950
Sorry, big guy, but this has moved on from the facts under discussion to the facts of the source. Deal with it please instead of trying to make those who support you in every way into the bad guys here. As a moderator, I am pointing out Heres Lucy's flaws in the facts he presents.

Have a closer look. According to Lucy, they (Alan and Alan, Incorporated) found irrefutable evidence which is being carbon 14 dated. Oh, dear. Why is that dating necessary if it is irrefutable? His source of data is VERY refutable if it has to be dated before he can present it. Go back and read the original posts from Alan Hassell regarding Artorius Rex (King Arthur for those who prefer to speak English) and you can see where he takes a creek bed full of ceramic tiles and claims that they are proof positive of coming from the legendary Camelot. Why is that proof positive? Because Alan and Alan, Incorporated say so and they are the ones who found them.

Then look at the theory of a comet strike in ancient Britain. There's not a shred of physical evidence of a comet having struck any time in Britain but the fact that a village seems to have moved from one location to another is once again proof positive to Alan and Alan, Incorporated that the comet struck. Never mind the fact that a comet would smush the residents when it hit them. Nothing like that comes up. The comet made them move all their huts and things though. Even though a rational thinking human being knows that a comet is pretty heavy and will really do a lot of damage (like killing off life as we know it around the globe), that village moving a few kilometers from where it was means a comet hit there.

If you are trying to be a peace maker here, do us all a favor and do some research into what is being discussed first. Read carefully and figure out what exactly is being discussed. That Rodney King attitude of hand-wringing and asking, "Can't we all just get along!" is getting the wrong point across. The fact that several people here are discussing it means there's something to discuss. When there's nothing left, nobody will discuss it. If this thread disturbs you, there is a means for you to ignore it. Just don't read it.
Well see, this is exactly the point I was trying to make.  I never said "can't we just all get along".  I asked that people be able to disagree in a respectful manner so that threads don't fall into disaray of name calling and one upmanship on who can be more insulting.  You made very clear and consise opposing points to what you perceived mine to be in this post without disrespecting anybody or reducing yourself to name calling or slinging insults, which is exactly the effect I'm trying to achive.  Thank you very much for supporting my original position.

Yes, I may have taken it off topic for a bit, but the rate the topic was going it was headed to the sewer anyway... so maybe some folks will get something valuable out of it after all.


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Anybody who says "it can't be done" will usually be interrupted by somebody who is already doing it.

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