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Offline Alan HassellTopic starter
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Academics are Androids
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« on: September 12, 2009, 05:10:12 pm »
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When will the director?s, historians and so-called archaeologists wake up and put two and two together?  What are

they paid for anyway?  Isn?t it their job and responsibility to inform the public of the truth and how it all came to be?

Isn?t there anyone who gets a nice fat salary from the government game enough to stand up and admit the truth?  Why

do they leave the public to work this out for themselves?

I doubt it in this day and age; some would lie out of their eyeteeth rather than lose a lucrative job with a promise of a

pension on retirement.

I always knew that King Llud had started London.  When I worked at Fleet Street as a youth, there used to be a statue

of Kind Llud and his sons situated at Ludgate Circus as a memorial to King Llud who was one of the principle

founders of Londinium.

It appears Llud?s statue and his wall has had a turbulent career over the centuries.  During King John?s reign when he

was forced to sign the Magna Charta, riots broke out in London.  The Jewish quarter in Ludgate was stormed and

materials were taken to restore the damage done to the walls.  Year?s later evidence of this was found when stones

bearing Hebrew characters were discovered in the masonry of the gate.

In 1260, during the reign of Henry III the gate was again adorned with the statues of Llud and his two sons,

Androgeus, (Arfarwy) and Tenuantius.   During the reign of Edward VI, for some reason the population took a dislike

to all images and decapitated the heads off of the statues.  These were eventually restored by Queen Mary.

However during the reign of Queen Elizabeth the first, the gate was taken down and completely rebuilt with the

statues being moved over to the eastern side of the gate.  In 1990 the City of London and Ludgate underwent a major

redevelopment of the area.

The bridge that carried the underground railway was removed and trains diverted underground.  Llud?s statues were

also moved to St. Dustan?s in the west, just up the road from Fleet Street near the law courts.  It can be found in an

alcove of the old church via the side entrance, which is often hard to see as the gates are often locked.  I think Llud?s

statue should be removed and installed in the care of the Museum of London where it might even be restored to its

original condition.

Brutus was the originally founder of the capitol city of Lloegres on the north side of the River Thames and he called it

Troia Newydd, meaning, ?New Troy?, this is documented in the Brut Tysylio and on many websites on the Internet

if you want to check it out yourself. 

Geoffrey of Monmouth in his Latin translation became Troia Nova, which was later corrupted into Trinovantium.

Nennius also calls London Trinovantium and says that, ?Caesar fought a battle against the British near a place called

Trinovantium.  Caesar also writes that this battle was fought by the only ford available on the Thames, at the Island

of Thorns, which is now Westminister. Trinovantium has to be no other place than London.

Much is known about King Llud or Llud AP Beli Mawr AP Manogan,  he started, his reign in 72 BC, seventeen years

before the Romans even came to Britain.  He was the regional King of the North Thames area.

He is reputed to have been a very powerful leader owning many cities and castles.  He also had a reputation of being a

mighty warrior in battle.  Llud had a very powerful brother called Cassivellaunus (Casswallon) which was corrupted

into Casswallon who reigned from 58-38 BC.

Llud also knew of the importance of building defenses and as Troia Newydd (London) was one of his favorite places

he did in fact fortify it.  Belinus, Llud?s father is said to have been building a large wall eight foot thick at its

foundations out of stone and limestone.

During Llud?s childhood he would have spent many days with his father whilst Beli Mawr was building the great wall

and would of continued the work long after his fathers death. The wall was reputed to be over twenty feet high and

enclosed a large area protecting the city from any invaders.

According to the Brut Tysylio and other traditional histories King Llud is credited with building a huge wall made out

of lime and stone around the city which was eight foot thick at its base.  Apparently this wall enclosed an area of 324

acres and was claimed to have been there before the Boadacea rebellion in AD 60.

He also built huge towers and in the west part of the wall built this huge gate.  Once it was complete Llud ordered that

the gate be named after him hence the name Ludgate which is still used today. This again is documented in the


This proves that the Mabinogian is telling the truth and not the myths, fairy tales and porky pies, as some completely

uneducated individuals would like us all to believe.

There were many gates built on the wall, the place names remain to this day, Aldgate, Highgate, Ludgate, Newgate,

Billingsgate, named after Llud?s father Beli Mawr, Bishops gate and Cripplegate to name a few.  It is possible that

some of these were added onto the great wall after Luds death. In Guildhall there are very old engravings of what were

the ten gates that allowed entrance to the great city.

Llud?s father King Heli (Beli Mawr in the Welsh) ruled for forty years until 73 BC, during which time he continued to

build great buildings in London and passed on his building skills to his son Llud who became king.  It appears that

although Llud is given much credit for building London, it was a continuing process of development started by Bruta?s

and continued through the ages.   Just as development and re-development has continued within the city of London to

the present day.

Not much of the great wall that Llud built is left standing although there is much of it to bee seen still around a few

places in London.  Starting out at Tower Hill almost directly opposite the Tower itself and beside the underground

tube station is one section still to be see about twenty five feet high and some 80 yards in length.

Just around the corner from the station is the Grand hotel, which has two flaming torches outside the main building. In

the car park next to the main entrance one can see another 100-foot section of the wall, which has been decorated with

lights and is more colourful to photograph.   What is interesting here is the fact that at the wall, which is fenced off, is

split between the car park and basement below.  One can see down into the basement and the size of the actual

foundations of the wall.

They are as already stated and written down throughout time and history about eight foot thick.  Although this is

claimed to be a Roman Wall, it fits the descriptions already written many centuries ago and there is no doubt that this

wall was built by Llud as was written.  The Romans may of repaired and extended sections of the wall during their

occupation, but they were not the initial architects and builders of the wall.

Even more astounding is the fact that this hotel is redeveloping a site next door having bought the site they now intend

to expand with this added extension.  Now the interesting thing is that they have an archaeologist on the site because

the builders have come across the foundations of  another section of the wall once more.

Although, I wasn?t allowed to take photographs the hole the builders had already dug was a good thirty to forty feet

below street level.  When you add another twenty to thirty feet of the wall above street level, the height of the actual

wall could have been forty to fifty feet high in its day.

It would also have been a really massive sight to behold and would have presented many problems for anyone wanting

to take London by storm.  There are more sections of the wall still visible for the general public to see especially

around Barbican near the Museum of London and surrounding streets.

It is claimed that not far from Ludgate, Llud also built himself a fine palace, which is the Bishop of London?s palace.

What all this really means is that London was by its size the largest city not only in Britain but also in the whole of


If this is so then we have a motive for Caesars greed to take such a prize.

King Llud is also said to have been the first person to have measured Briton from top to bottom and coast to coast.

Llud had sons, so there must have been a woman in his life, sadly I have been unable to come up with the name of

such a woman, it may well  be that Llud had a number of ladies he shared his affections with.

Apart from building a palace for himself, Llud also invited others to build many fine houses within his walls that he

had built.   Hmmmm, now just a cotton-picking minute, who were the people that stated the Briton?s lived in wooden

thatched huts?  Here, we have a direct statement of fine palaces being built and lived in.

It is precisely at this point that the Academics will start ranting and raving that the wall  was built by the Romans, but

was it?    Now start putting your thinking caps on kiddiewinks and start reading about the Trojan war and how the

Trojans were able to hold out against the armies of Greece for Ten Years.   Brutus and his men would have realized the

importance of defenses and would have taken measures to ensure they were well protected, they certainly had many

years prior to Caesar's visit to construct it.

Didn?t a huge wall protect Troy too?  The Greek Army tried hard enough to get inside the huge wall and only gained

entrance by using the famous Trojan horse.

Surely someone with Brutus would have known about the importance of walls keeping out the enemy?  We are not

talking about wild uneducated savages here, these were well-educated individuals who had seen and experienced

beautiful palaces with marble columns and floors and knew how to protect themselves too.

Brutu's even married a Greek Princess, for god's sake she lived in style in palaces befitting her stature and rank. Her

own father would not have lived in a mere shack so why would she?  Are these so called academics taught nothing or

is that what they are told to preach?  Sometimes it is better not to be educated and know something than to be

educated and know nothing.

They had a fluent knowledge of the Greek language, the Roman historians tell us, and so does Strabo. So why

wouldn?t they also have a knowledge of building fine palaces?  Even in Llud?s day London was a very busy city

where merchants provided and sold merchandise from many countries including much Mediterranean produce. 

In fact, there are several mentions that the Kings of Britain not only lived in fine palaces but used marble and had

mosaic tiles floors with intricate designs placed on them too.

The British Museum has a fine example with the Christian religious symbol of Chi Rho featured plainly on it.  Only a

very brave man and powerful leader would have had such on the floor or walls of his house. Although, it is credited

with being Roman, it is highly probable and not impossible that this came from one of the palaces that were once

owned by a ruling King of Britain as it was there religion.

Even after the Claudian invasion, the Roman?s, although they might have tried to convert the British to Christianity

gave up and never intervened in the British way of religion. The Roman?s had too many gods whilst the British only

had one in which to put their faith in.

This explains why the Chi Rho mosaic now on prominent view to the public in the British Museum was allowed to

be situated where it was and tolerated by the Roman?s, if they ever saw it?

The truth is the great wall of London had already been built when the Roman?s arrived and whilst they may of built

onto and added to  it and maybe repaired it in certain places they alone did not build it, the British did so it is high

time this was recognized and renamed Llud's wall, who is named as the architect in so many documents.

Not everything that the British Museum states has to be correct.  This is because they refuse to recognize anything

that might be British or something they simply do not understand.  Therefore they make these wild assumptions

about it possibly being Roman or Saxon without even considering other possibilities.

I will give credit where it is due, I admire the honesty of the curator of the Museum of London who gave me detailed

information regarding the statues of King Llud.  I was hoping the Museum would place the statue in the museum in

order for its future preservation and for the people.  Some historians do have a genuine interest in the British Kings.

How many treasures in the museum connected to the Roman?s are or were originally British?   Who would know for

sure?  As the Briton?s would have adopted Greek as well as Roman architecture before the Romans did gain a


The question remains, how many British building were mistaken as being Roman?   No one in the Museum can give a

definite answer to the question, and no one would dare answer it.

One cannot lay the blame on the staff and everyone working for museums.  They are the guardians of the nations

treasures.  Unfortunately politics and politicians lay down the guidelines of what can and what cannot be stated. The

same as what is acceptable to be taught in Britain's schools.

The Brut Tysylio and the Mabinogian state that Brutus who was a great great grandson of Aeneas originally founded

London.  Brutus died after a memorial reign of twenty-four years and was interred by the side of Imogene on the Bryn

Gwyn (the White Mount). Which is believed to have been where the Tower of London now stands or in that area.

After the destruction of Troy around 1,200 B.C., Aeneas, born of a royal bloodline, fled with the remnants of his

people and settled in Italy. There he married the daughter of Latinus, the king of the Latin?s, and through this line later

emerged the Roman Empire.

The grandson of Aeneas, a man called Brutus, had to flee Italy when he accidentally killed his father on a hunting trip.

He arrived in Greece, on discovery of his royal lineage, dispossessed Trojans flocked to his command. He eventually

married the daughter of the Greek king. He then commandeered a fleet and was visited by the goddess Diana and was

sent to sail west until he found a land where his people would live in peace.

Brutus eventually reached the isle of Albion, landing at Totnes in Cornwall. He eventually founded the city of

Trinovantum (New Troy), or Caer Troia as the Britons called it, around 1000 B.C. the city was dedicated to the

goddess Diana by Brutus and he founded a temple to her.

Diabolical as it might sound to some, this is well documented and references to Brutas and his discoveries can be

found all over the internet so this is not a figment of my imagination it is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but.

There are web sites that anyone can even trace the origins of people right back to Adam and Eve if you have the

inclination and time to look for them.  Knowledge in this day and age is so important if we are to find our real roots

and who we really are.
King Llud (73 BC) re-named it "Caer-Llud" (Llud?s Town). It later became known as London. When Llud died, he was

buried near a gateway called Ludgate.

The re-naming of the city has been a disaster for British history. Not only have we forgotten our links with ancient

Troy, but we have also given ground to the advocates of evolution, who don't want us to know that, through the

Trojans, we can trace our ancestry all the way back to Noah.  For the skeptics, Troy was found by Hienrich

Schlieman a noted German archaeologist. There is no excuse for historians or anyone to say Troy was a myth and did

not exist.

Now, this is where a very strange modern day treasure find comes into the story.  Towards the end of 2003 British

television station channel four screened a new series of finds made in Britain by metal detectorists called, ?Hidden


In one of the series of programs someone had found a large collection of coins. To make the program more interesting

an archaeological dig took place.

It was during the dig that a huge quantity of bones were uncovered and on forensic testing they were found to be

animal bones indicating that a huge feast had taken place at one time.

In those days a battle would be fought during the day and they would collect their dead and bury them during the

night.  It was more like something out of a loony tunes cartoon where Wiley Coyote would clock on in the morning

for his shift while Ralph the devoted watch dog would stand guard over the flock of sheep during the day only to

clock off at night fall.

After the fighting when the battle had been fought and won a great feast was held, this might not be in one spot alone

but in many different towns and settlements. 

The Welsh triads record that Caswallon ordered the slaughter of 120,000 animals for a great feast to celebrate the

victory.   With the discovery of the huge number of animal bones that were found by accident following an

archaeological dig on a site where coins were found buried, it shows that the triads are true and more attention should

be given to them for their accuracy. 

Why, I asked again, did none of the archaeologists or historians at the British Museum connect this find to what

happened in AD 55?   Maybe, they stubbornly refuse to recognize these old documents which far from telling myths

and fairy tales are telling the truth about what happened in the so call dark ages.  It is high time that these so called

academics paid more attention to these writings and old documents.

Many years ago I wrote an article about my travels to the British Museum in which I mentioned the Sutton Hoo

burial ship and how the guides considered it to be Anglo Saxon.  They even gave the name of the supposed King that

had been buried in it as Raedwald.

Sticking my nose in where it wasn?t wanted I suggested to the guide that the helmets could have belonged to King

Arthur? The Romans described the Britons as being clean-shaven and having moustaches the same as depicted on the


Those two famous helmets, one for use in battle and one for ceremonial purposes can only describe the person

wearing them as being clean shaven and having a moustache, exactly as described by Roman writers.

Could there have been a misdating of the burial?  Look at the items found in the ship? Is that not the bejeweled sword

that Arthur had called Excalibur?, as mentioned numerous times in numerous writings?

Even though the Sutton Hoo burial site might have nothing what so ever to do with King Arthur, the question remains

that those helmets belonged to a British King who lived in the area or had requested to be buried at that particular

spot.  The big question is Who? 

I bet that guide felt pretty awkward after I had said my piece. However, those in the group listened to my outburst, it

must have had an impact and stopped some of the bullshit the guides at the museum were notorious at spreading. 

Shortly after that little episode at the British Museum, I wrote an article called treasure for the people, which was

published and may have ruffled a few feathers.

Today, they still have the same exhibit, only this time they question who the King who was buried in the ship really


Strange that isn?t it.   They still think its Anglo Saxon though despite the fact that Caesar wrote that British built their

ships using iron nails, they still think its Anglo Saxon and refuse to accept the British had a large navy at that

particular period in time. 

The Anglo Saxon?s used wood to construct their ships and wooden dowels to join the wood together.  It makes one

wonder where all of a sudden the Anglo Saxons managed to start making ships using iron nails, or obtaining the iron

with which to make the nails?

Iron nails were used in the construction of the ship they found at Sutton Hoo.  Since then I have visited one of the

iron mines where the iron might, just might, have been mined and smelted to make those nails. But that?s another


Having discussed this matter with the noted historians Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett we all agree on this matter as

other British nobles and Kings were buried in a similar fashion.  The burial sites of these nobles are known but owing

to night hawks and unscrupulous individuals using metal detectors solely for their own greed and gain, with no interest

of sharing the nations history and possible treasures with the people to whom the treasure really belongs we remain

silent in order to protect these sites.

The time has come to forget about past political correctness about what should be and what shouldn?t History

belongs to the people.   Today, we have a British army, a British passport, British birth certificate and we once had a

British Empire.

The only people who call themselves English are those that follow 22 idiots chasing a dammed football around a field

because of a team that calls itself English instead of British.

Look on any Roman coin, on the tail it states Britannia meaning Britain.  This is Britain and those that were born here

are British, like it or not, and you should be proud of that fact and that the famous Battle of Britain was fought against

the nazi?s in the second world war.  That has never been described as a battle for England. Its time to stop the bullshit.

If the truth were really known, almost everyone now has British blood running through their veins owing to

intermarriage over the years between the Anglo Saxons and the British (Welsh).

There are a few exceptions to the rule because I forgot to mention the Scots and the Irish who have also interbred

thanks to the women of Britain, England, Ireland and Scotland who we can thank for bearing mans children and raising

them.  The men, well when an opportunity arises, don?t tell me your going to walk away from the worlds oldest sin,

because it was installed in your genes ions ago.

Even the George Cross they use as an emblem is stolen from the British. At a famous landmark in Wales that attracts

visitors from all over the world are the ruins of a very old church and monastery.  Although not a great deal remains,

there are a few very old tiles depicting knights on horseback.

They all carry a shield bearing a very special insignia, which happens to be the St.George Cross.  Owing to souvenir

hunters and thieves I am not prepared to disclosed where the tiles can be found.

Not that I want them for myself, they are part of British history and belong to the public for all to see and should

remain untouched for future generations to see and admire.  They would be far better off in the custody of a museum.

Even today, London, still has connections with King Arthur.  Take a short walk up the strand, just outside the Law

Courts in the middle of the road is an eternal symbol that was used by Uthyr Pendragon himself and that is the

Dragon, which was also the symbol of Britain.  Situated on almost every bridge you will see London?s coat of arms

and dragons.

Almost every street within the city proudly bears the same emblem together with many of the bollards. In fact its

almost impossible to go anywhere in London where you are unable to catch a glimpse of it.

The Brutus stone or London stone.

Only a fragment of the original stone survives, the stone is said to have been bought there by Brutas all the way from

Troy; he was supposed to have set it up in his New Troy (i.e. London) as an alter to Diana..  The London Stone has

always had a special significance, marking the sacred center of London.  It can be found behind railings in a wall if the

Bank of China, almost opposite Cannon Street Station.  I recently visited the spot and had a bit of difficulty finding it.

Some people think the Stone can be traced back to Druid times, perhaps as a Pagan Ritual Altar or a sacrificial stone.

This was certainly the belief of the poet William Blake who, in 'To the Jews', imagined the groaning of the execution


There's even a legend that claims it to be the same stone from which King Arthur pulled the sword, (although there are

several places in Britain to make the same claim). Certainly it seems that this area of London has long been significant.

In 1840, excavations to build sewers at Bush Lane, next to Cannon Street Station uncovered ancient remains of large

walls belonging to a pre-Roman building, perhaps some kind of palace.

Now this is interesting because it is recorded that both Bruta?s and King Llud built Palaces in London, could this be

one of those building so hurriedly covered up and hushed up, so the public could not learn the truth about their


The early inhabitants of Britain, who arrived more than a thousand years before the Roman invasion, were the

scattered remnants of the fallen city of Troy. They founded a city on the Thames and called it "Troia Newydd" (New

Troy) which later became "Troynovant" or "Trinovantum".
Brutus, King of the Britons

The story begins with the city of Troy in Asia Minor (now eastern Turkey), near the Bosphorus. The Trojans were

at war against the Greeks, and they thought they had won. They found a large wooden horse outside the city that the

Greeks had left behind, and they brought it into the city as a trophy, not knowing that it was full of Greek soldiers.

During the night, when the Trojans were all asleep, the Greeks came out of the horse and opened the city gates, so

that the Greek armies entered and destroyed the city. This happened during the reign of Priam, the last king of Troy,

about 1182 BC.

The Trojans and Dardanians were allies, and there were intermarriages between their royal families. Aeneas was the

son of Anchises, the leader of the Dardanian army. He married Creusa, the daughter of Priam, King of Troy, and they

had a son called Ascanius. Aeneas and Creusa were third cousins, and their common ancestor was Tros, who founded

the city of Troy. When the city was destroyed, Aeneas escaped with his father Anchises and his young son Ascanius,

together with many other refugees, but Creusa got lost in the confusion. They first went to Africa, and then to Italy

where they were well received by Latinus, king of the Latin?s. Aeneas married Lavinia, the daughter of Latinus and

they had a son called Silvius.

The journey of Aeneas to Italy, and his assimilation among the Latin?s, was later to become the subject of Virgil's

Aneid, written between 30 and 19 BC, so that he became immortalized in Roman literature.

Ascanius married and had a son, also called Silvius, who had his way with Lavinia's niece and got her pregnant. She

gave birth to a son called Brutus, but she died during childbirth. When Brutus was 15 years old, he was out hunting

with his father, and accidentally killed him while shooting an arrow at a deer. Thus he was considered to have killed

both his father and his mother, although unintentionally, and was banished from Italy.

Brutus went to Greece where his royal lineage was recognized by Pandrasus, king of the Greeks, and by the

downtrodden Trojans who had escaped from Troy and were living as an under-class among the Greeks. The Trojans

adopted him as their leader and assembled themselves into an army. He went to Pandrasus and asked for their liberty,

so that they could live as equals with the Greeks, or else be given assistance to go to other lands. Pendrasus was

enraged by this request and went to war against the Trojans, but Brutus prevailed against him. Pendrasus was anxious

to achieve a peace of some sort, but he recognized that the war had led to feelings of resentment that would make it

impossible for the Trojans to continue living among the Greeks. He therefore decided that the departure of the Trojans

was the only possible option, and he furnished them with ships so that they could leave. He also gave his daughter

Ignoge to Brutus, to be his wife.

Brutus and his army sailed away and stopped in a few parts of Africa, and then they sailed through the Pillars of

Hercules (Straits of Gibraltar) and arrived in Gaul where they picked up some Trojan exiles. They fought some battles

against the Gauls, then returned to their ships and sailed to their intended destination, an almost empty island to the

north of Gaul known as "Alban" (Albion), which means "White Island". Those who came with Brutus were called

"Britons", and the island became known as "Britain". The date of their arrival is calculated to be 1074 BC, according to

a footnote by Peter Roberts in his translation of Tysilio's "Chronicle of the Kings of Britain"

Brutus was a Trojan on his father's side and Latin on his mother's side. He was married to a Greek, so his descendants

were Trojan, Latin and Greek. He was the first of a long line of kings, some of who intermarried with other European

royal families.

Bruta?s originally landed on the coast of Devon. Totnes on the dart is twelve miles from Torbay, which is the oldest

seaport in South Devon.  Here we find the closest evidence to Bruta?s possible and a custom handed down from time

immemorial and was last observed on May the sixth 1910, when the mayor read a proclamation of King George.

There is a stone embedded in the road with a sign above it saying, ?This is the Brutas stone.?  The tradition being that

this marks the spot where a Trojan Prince set foot after he landed in Britain after the fall of Troy in 1185 B.C.

There is also another Bruta?s stone situated in Cannon Street In the City of London that Bruta?s is also said to have

found and built up as a fine city.   That stone is still to be seen in Cannon Street not far for the underground station.

It is said, ?That should the stone disappear London will fall.?  Today it is preserved behind iron bars and protected

by glass to stop individuals touching it and souvenir parts of it.

It is also highly unlikely that even after the Claudius invasion of AD 43 that the Romans could have built such a city

in the given time between the Boadacea rebellions of AD60.  The Romans were in fact building up other places such as

Colchester (Camulodunum) and Verulamium (St.Alban?s).

Archaeologists and historians today forget about King Llud and what he did to fortify London despite strong

documentary evidence elsewhere that clearly states that King Llud built the wall.  Even today, Time team and its band

of back yard historians and archaeologists, when ever they come across anything they cant explain automatically jump

on the old Roman, Anglo Saxon horseshit for answers and explanations.

King Llud had two sons, one called Afarwy, (Androgeus) who was the Duke of Kent, Teneufan (Tenuantius) Duke of


It appears that Caswallon, Llud?s brother had a mistress called Fflur (Flora) This lady was abducted and taken to

Gaul.  It appears that the jealous Afarwy was responsible and sought refuge with the Romans in Gaul.  There is

another story that Cassivellaunus was voted by all the tribe leaders to be King to lead the Britons in the fight against


Arfarwy considered that was his right and in a fit of rage sought vengeance against his uncle by joining Caesar in Gaul.

Arfarwy having struck a deal with Caesar that once Caesar had conquered Britain, Afarwy would be installed as the

new king. Tysylio states that Arfarwy?s secret pact with Caesar is that he would open the gates of London to the

Romans in return for being made King himself.

Thus Caesar had a second attempt to subdue Britain only to be subdued himself in the process.

Arfarwy was taken back to Gaul together with others.  Caesar never returned to make a third attempt at making

Britain as part of the Roman Empire.  Caesar glossed over his writings to pacify the senate but disgruntled

legionnaires upon their return to Rome started to reveal the truth, which eventually became public knowledge. 

Eventually on the ides of March Caesar was murdered.

The hierarchy in Rome must have known what had really taken place for there is no attempt to send troops or

statesmen to Briton for another 96 years.

I wonder if you went into any modern school in London and asked a classroom of say thirteen or fourteen year olds,

?Who founded London?  No one in that classroom would be able to give the correct answer.  To me that is a

disgraceful state of affairs.  Every Londoner or everyone who calls themselves such should know the answer because

it is part of their history and heritage,

Brentford situated further up the River Thames from Westminster also lays claim to fighting between Cassivellaunus

and Caesar in 54 BC and have erected a monument to him to remember the event.

The monument is situated outside the county court where an archaeological dig took place before the new building was

erected.  Numerous finds were found.

Brentford is one of the few places where it would have been easy for Caesars army to cross owing to the many islands

in the River.  At low tide it is possible for them to have crossed here.

Further evidence of there being a fortified ford in place here was discovered in 1909 when rows of palisades of oak

were discovered and excavated.  A plaque on the same monument tells the story along with other events of notable

historical interest.

It is strange that Brentford with it's importance of the Caesarian connections that a local museum does not exist.

However the publican opposite the old iron bridge remembers stories of how the Romans crossed near the bridge. 

The one thing that puzzles me is that the Romans were advancing onto St.Alban's (Verulamium), maybe there is a

confusion of dates here.  Maybe this was the Claudian advance of the Romans, because it was written by others that

Caesar showed his back to the Briton's at Trinovantum.

As Caesar and his forces left the Briton, Casswallon finally realized that Arfarwy had kidnapped his beloved fleur. 

Wasting no time Casswallon gathered up his forces and set after set after the scoundrel. So, we have all the elements of

a modern day Hollywood spectacular just like Ben Hur except the events that took place here were real and well


Caswallon or as the Romans called him Cassivellaunus is a real hero apart from his royal heritage. His place in history

is assured as the person who defied Caesar and defeated him.  When Caesar left the shores of Britain Rome had no

further interest in the place for nearly 100 years.

Caswallon had held back the advances of the Roman Empire, Caesar returned home the all conquering hero only for

the defeat to slowly leak out from the legionnaires and those that were there to witness the event.

Caesar had far more to lose, his name, his reputation, his credibility. He was Rome's most important leader and to

return suffering defeat would have meant his demise with the senate.  In order to cover up his defeat he had to gloss

over events as they happened. 

The one thing he could not explain away was the loss of so many members of his army.

The True story of Llud, Caswallon, Nennius and the British people who lived and fought Julius Caesar is a very

powerful one.  The proof that this event did take place is scattered all over the internet.  Most of it researched with

the very documents I have already mentioned.

Casswallon eventually passes on and is succeeded by the rightful heir to the throne Teneufan followed by his son

Cynvelyn (Cunobelius).

 It is said that Cynvelyn visited Rome and met the Emperor Augustus. This claim was born out by an archeological

dig on the Lexdon tumulus in 1922-24. Here a medallion of the Roman Emperor Augustus was found in what is

suspected as the tomb of Cynvelyn. It is thought that the Emperor gave it himself to Cynvelyn.

What these King's actually did for Britain was to hold back the advance of the Roman Empire by almost 100 years

which in itself was a remarkable achievement.  The time for these forgotten hero's has come for their complete

recognition, they deserve it. It is our History and our heritage of which all Briton's today should be proud, including

that bunch of Oxford Cambridge skeptics that class themselves as being educated.

Sorry I don't fit into their category I was educated in a grammar school, my teachers were moron's. If I had not delved

into the past to find out the truth for myself I would be classed as another moron. It should not be like that.  We all

deserve the best education from the best teachers the government can provide.

Education today is vital and must be factual.  Living a lie is dangerous for the very structure of society is based on the

truth, the whole truth and nothing but.  The day of reckoning is fast approaching. What will the academics claim when

new discoveries are made?  Fraud is the first, manufactured is the second, fiction the third.

So, where does all my research fit into all of this, is it fiction.  No flaming way, Are my writings a fraud? I am only

repeating what evidence is available so where's the fraud and where is the profit?

There is no profit in the truth for gods sake,  the only motive is to inform and enlighten the general public of the truth.

 They of all people as British Citizens they are entitled to know their history and heritage as well.

It is only a matter of time now before the Oxford Cambridge Academics finally will concede to the truth as written

and laid down in the Mabinogian, the triads, Geoffrey of Monmouth, Nennius and Gilda's and others who have seen

the light and know the truth.

Their credibility is in doubt, they are in danger of losing the plot, too much has been revealed, the truth is known they

are hiding now behind false hopes and there is no way they can extract themselves except from finally accepting the


There is an empty plinth in Trafalgar Square just waiting for the right person or persons to be placed upon it. 

That plinth really belongs to those that fought for Britain's freedom and independence so long ago.  The time has come

for the academics to rethink their logic.  Others like myself are doing their own research digging up cans of worms just

like this.  Today, we want the truth, we expect the truth and nothing less.  The time has come to put your thinking

caps on. 

It's time for, "TIME TEAM," to clean up it's act, next time they come across the ruins of an old church, think first

before jumping to conclusions and bellowing out Roman or Anglo Saxon.  Next time you find foundations of part of

the London Wall or Palaces that were not exactly roman, do not cover it up in haste explore and pass on the

knowledge you gain to the public.

Today we live in a world of Knowledge, the demand for the truth is all around us.  There were many British Kings

that followed Llud, Caswallon, Nennius and many other's including King Arthur.  They all deserve their rightful place

in history.

Royalty did not start with the Anglo Saxon's. It was alive and thriving in Britain long before they or William the

conqueror took over in 1066.  Historian's who fail to delve beyond this time barrier through to the dark age and

beyond are only failing themselves and the general public who have a thirst for knowledge and now demand answers.

Fortunately in this world of high technology, the information gap is narrowing, people now have access to material

they never dreamed of years ago.  Even libraries these days owing to budget cuts fail to provide the information that

should be freely available to everyone not the select few.

I have attempted to uncover the past and put it back into it's true perspective.  I researched this following almost

every possible lead I could lay my hands on. I have provided photographs to substantiate my writings. Only you the

reader, can decided with all the available evidence I have provided to decide is this fact or fiction?

All material here is Copyright.   LONG WINDED MAYBE BUT EDUCATIONAL


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« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2009, 06:30:33 pm »
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Hi Allan
Welcome to the forum. Nice to here of you again. I hope England treat you better than Australia.
Are you still doing shallow water detecting? What about the metal detecting university?
We still remember you at seekers


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« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2009, 06:54:49 pm »
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Hi,   crikey Seekers brings back many memories of lectures I gave when I was promoting the hobby hehehe Detecting
Britains been good to me in many respects.  most people thought i was out of my mind to go chasing after what many considered to be a myth and fairy tale.  But heinrich Schliemann chased the same dream after reading Homer and he won.
If  you believe that anything that the human mind can concieve and believe then you know it can achieve.  14 years is a long time to be away from home.
would I  do it again?   hehehe its been a roller coaster of a ride Its been a drain on the wallet.  But at the end of the day I guess we had all the gods working for truth honesty and justice in the end.
This has been an education in itself especially the history and knowing what we are taught may not be the truth.
thanks for making contact and remember me to all the guys at seekers you should of read part one first but like any good aussie you like to start at the end and work back hehehe  take care regards alan  Wise


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« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2009, 01:13:49 am »
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Nice to hear that it?s all good for you Allan.
I will make sure that every one that knows you and remembers you at the Seekers will get the massage. And I will even make sure that they will read the story at the right order. Part two first then part one off corce


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« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2009, 10:22:52 am »
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Alan, thank you for a very fascinating and educational read! Can't wait to traverse some of the historical threads you have laid out. And thanks for being a champion of truth in education. Lord knows there are many in the world that bend if not completely ignore historical truths to support their goals and perspectives.

Best Regards,

Pete Rosario


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« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2010, 04:16:11 pm »
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Quote:Posted by Alan Hassell
Hi,   crikey Seekers brings back many memories of lectures I gave when I was promoting the hobby hehehe Detecting
Britains been good to me in many respects.  most people thought i was out of my mind to go chasing after what many considered to be a myth and fairy tale.  But heinrich Schliemann chased the same dream after reading Homer and he won.
If  you believe that anything that the human mind can concieve and believe then you know it can achieve.  14 years is a long time to be away from home.
would I  do it again?   hehehe its been a roller coaster of a ride Its been a drain on the wallet.  But at the end of the day I guess we had all the gods working for truth honesty and justice in the end.
This has been an education in itself especially the history and knowing what we are taught may not be the truth.
thanks for making contact and remember me to all the guys at seekers you should of read part one first but like any good aussie you like to start at the end and work back hehehe  take care regards alan  Wise

must be a doctorate's thesis


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« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2010, 10:01:41 am »
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I know and old post and most likely to wordy, but very informative. i loved it.


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« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2010, 10:45:37 am »
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i agree very informative topic


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« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2010, 09:33:41 am »
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Excellent!!  Looks like a lifes passion and very through. I commend you. Please keep up the good work, will look forward to anything you post. Clapp


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« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2010, 03:12:41 am »
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Quote:Posted by GoodVibs101
Excellent!!  Looks like a lifes passion and very through. I commend you. Please keep up the good work, will look forward to anything you post. Clapp

Search for his archived posts. Fortunately, they have all been saved. Were it up to him, they would be gone but he can't delete them. He's been banned so no future posts will come from him. Enjoy what you find.


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