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Offline Alan HassellTopic starter
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« Reply #30 on: November 15, 2009, 07:58:01 am »
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Brilliant absolutely bloody brilliant it had not occured to us to even consider using such a technique to be honest Goldigger.
Sure I know about modified post hole diggers for making bore holes as its used a lot in Australian and used one myself to help a farmer friend of mine dig a bore hole for his dam. All went well till he hit rock, but having been working on the opal fields in South Australia I was lucky enough to hold an EL (explosives licence) and one stick of geli made short work of the rock and Jack had his water for his horses and cattle.
I will put your fantastic suggestion to Alan Wilson who has a few contacts in that area and I thank you for the suggestion and input.
Without people like you in the world who are wiling to help others the world would be a very sad place to live in thanks a milion.
regards alan hassell Smiley


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« Reply #31 on: November 16, 2009, 02:09:38 am »
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Quote:Posted by Alan Hassell
Brilliant absolutely bloody brilliant it had not occured to us to even consider using such a technique to be honest Goldigger.
Sure I know about modified post hole diggers for making bore holes as its used a lot in Australian and used one myself to help a farmer friend of mine dig a bore hole for his dam. All went well till he hit rock, but having been working on the opal fields in South Australia I was lucky enough to hold an EL (explosives licence) and one stick of geli made short work of the rock and Jack had his water for his horses and cattle.
I will put your fantastic suggestion to Alan Wilson who has a few contacts in that area and I thank you for the suggestion and input.
Without people like you in the world who are wiling to help others the world would be a very sad place to live in thanks a milion.
regards alan hassell Smiley

Allan, using a post hole auger is like shooting quail with a cannon! A proper core sampler should not be bigger through than about 2 inches, or 1 1/2 inches! You PUSH it into the ground and the core is locked in, somehow (I will Google search) and you simply draw the corer out, lay it in the core holder and eject the core, into the package that will protect it.

I have no idea of the cost for a corer, or the  core carriers, but they are around. They are used extensively for lake or marsh cores for pollen tracing. Of course it would be easier to core where it is wet.... if the wet spots are handy. Where cores are taken for pollen, the types of trees and vegetation can be identified (or the absence therof!) for hundreds of years! It can point to climate, climate changes, and climate aberrations - JUST FROM POLLEN ALONE!

And...... the TOOL is low tech. There  are probably lots of data, available by Google, for pollen profiles, alone.

Forget posthole augers, they are too invasive and someone would bitch!

Oh yes, paper-work for these core samples, with GPS, is essential, and at least 2 corroborating operators, plus affidavits, from them, to go with their batches of cores.... cover all bases! It is building provenance!



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« Last Edit: November 16, 2009, 02:13:44 am by goldigger »


Offline Alan HassellTopic starter
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« Reply #32 on: November 16, 2009, 04:46:58 am »
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Hi Brian, Im about to go out days sort of work then in hour and half have to have a swine flu jab on the nhs hehehe once your over 65 here you dont pay for drugs hehe. yesterday i met a friend of mine he tells me that there are houses in cornwall that are uninhabitable because of iridium so it sounds promising already as cornwalls not far from wales and it might be correlate to the flight path as well.
so back to the ironing board hehe more research were just wondering what they  have discovered and keeping it quiet.
One day the shits going to hit the fan and we will have all the evidence we need you have a nice day brian enjoy take care talk later. byeeeeeeee alan


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« Reply #33 on: November 16, 2009, 05:07:45 am »
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Alan, are you sure he didn't say Radium rather than Iridium?


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It's all about that moment when metal that hasn't seen the light of day for generations frees itself from the soil and presents itself to me.
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Offline Alan HassellTopic starter
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« Reply #34 on: November 16, 2009, 07:00:19 am »
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Quote:Posted by GoldDigger1950
Alan, are you sure he didn't say Radium rather than Iridium?

Doesnt matter because I have learnt that there are quite a few places in cornwall that have been declared inhabitable either because or iridium or radium iridium seems to be the better option.
The importance of this is if this is true then Wales would of experienced this event as well because it is recorded that Britain was set on fire from end to end.
This is only the begining and it has opened a whole new aspect to what were doing.
Alan Wilson did some research years ago looking for possible hit sites using old maps and place names and had a few places that sounded interesting.  So its a whole new ball game as far as were concerned.  Its like finding another piece of straw that got blown out the jig saw haystack and were slowly trying to put all the pieces together.
The Academics would do it so we have to do this on our own and its interesting reseach too who knows one day the whole jig saw will be complete then the Academics can have a field day burning all the old text books and have to rewrite all the rubbish they wrote in the past hehehe maybe another guy fawkes night called history night fireworks and all and a good booze up to go with it hehehe.


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« Reply #35 on: November 16, 2009, 03:11:21 pm »
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Quote:Posted by Alan Hassell
Doesnt matter because I have learnt that there are quite a few places in cornwall that have been declared inhabitable either because or iridium or radium iridium seems to be the better option.
The importance of this is if this is true then Wales would of experienced this event as well because it is recorded that Britain was set on fire from end to end.
This is only the begining and it has opened a whole new aspect to what were doing.
Alan Wilson did some research years ago looking for possible hit sites using old maps and place names and had a few places that sounded interesting.  So its a whole new ball game as far as were concerned.  Its like finding another piece of straw that got blown out the jig saw haystack and were slowly trying to put all the pieces together.
The Academics would do it so we have to do this on our own and its interesting reseach too who knows one day the whole jig saw will be complete then the Academics can have a field day burning all the old text books and have to rewrite all the rubbish they wrote in the past hehehe maybe another guy fawkes night called history night fireworks and all and a good booze up to go with it hehehe.

Radium and Iridium are quite different. Radium is the dangerous material (although debatable) while Iridium is harmless. Only three metric tonnes of Iridium are mined each year worldwide  making it the rarest of elemental metals. It is also not radioactive and not at all dangerous. Why I mention this is because your conclusion that there are high Iridium levels near the site may be proven later by core sampling but anything on the ground today would be from a much later strike by a meteorite. There is also a pattern to the Iridium spray when the impact occurs. Sadly, you might find some and you might not even in an impact crater. The ejecta from an impact will put the Iridium in a predicable pattern around the impact crater.

Good luck with finding some. As I said, I just didn't want you to confuse Radium and Iridium. By the way, Radium is a gas that can bond with soii while Iridium is a metal that is harder than Platinum.


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« Reply #36 on: November 16, 2009, 11:44:30 pm »
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Quote:Posted by Alan Hassell
Hi Brian, Im about to go out days sort of work then in hour and half have to have a swine flu jab on the nhs hehehe once your over 65 here you dont pay for drugs hehe. yesterday i met a friend of mine he tells me that there are houses in cornwall that are uninhabitable because of iridium so it sounds promising already as cornwalls not far from wales and it might be correlate to the flight path as well.
so back to the ironing board hehe more research were just wondering what they  have discovered and keeping it quiet.
One day the shits going to hit the fan and we will have all the evidence we need you have a nice day brian enjoy take care talk later. byeeeeeeee alan

Sounds like a good plan.... I will tell you, when you came on the forum, last summer, it really sounded like you had given up! I was being irritating to try and get you to react.... positively. Sounds like it is working, at last!  Grin Grin Grin

Sorry, for being irritating, but since you seem to be getting a second wind, I can not be very sorry, it defeats the purpose!

I had piggy flu in 1949, 1979, and just had it again but I will get a shot..... WHEN they get around to making it available. All I need is a booster, and I have had the seasonal shot.

Here, if you are immune system compromised, like asthma, diabetes, etc., also over 65, whether compromised or not. Both my sister and I, get seasonal shots as well as my bro-in-law, who is a 1st aid attendant. I am the only one of us, over 65.  No charge.

Over 65 has an advantage, here: angler's license $1, Freeminer's certificate free, hunter's license free or very low, but tags cost the same. Coffee - not free yet; tea - not free yet.  Grin Grin

Well, it is good to have these shots as I get less colds, so can get out more.... THIS is important.

How do these houses have Iridium, are they old houses? Is it coming out of the ground? It has to have some source, that source could be important, because it is not a natural substance.



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« Reply #37 on: November 17, 2009, 04:44:08 am »
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nothing is easy in this world we live in as you all know but Alan Wilson is delighted with this news.  There is much to be researched in this area. But Alan sent me a personal email and because of the help that has been given I feel I should share what he said to me.

Totally brilliant.

It is painfully obvious.
There are professors - two in Cardiff - who work on the Diseases from Outer Space theory.

We found an old Welsh poem that was "Mis" translated in the time of Queen Victoria.
It actually deals with Syphillis coming from outer space with the Comet of AD 562.
Before the Comet of AD 562 only Gonnorrhea was known.

We had arranged to meet one Professor but 4 days before the meeting he dropped a huge clanger of a mistake.
He claimed tast the small feathered dinosaur fossil in the British Museum was a forgery.
It was then pointed out that the Berlin Museum has four fossils of these feathered dinosaur creatures.

We decided to stay way as he was being ridiculed in the Media -rightly.

So looking for Iridium deposits would be valuable
It explains why large areas of Britain were uninhabitable for seven to eleven years.
It took time for the rain and the rivers to wash away the Iridium.
Once that was done the places became inhabitable again.

There must be places where deposits would be left in quantity.
Bogs and Marches would be possible like Bodmin Moor.

Another great big door has opened.
What sounded strange to me was the fact that syphilis was unheard of until that comet strike. They say it came from Columbus and his men from the indians.  Hmmm this gets interesting because is it possible that some of Madocs men who survived the comet to have infected the Indians?  Another question and can of worms opens for example what caused Madoc to die?  Did he die like Arthur shot with arrows or was it the dreaded Syphilis that finally got him hehehe 
The search continues hehehe notice that even professors get it wrong sometimes and his Establishment mates were quick of the mark to ridicule him too as they would anyone who comes up with ideas that conflict with their ideas.


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« Reply #38 on: November 17, 2009, 08:25:39 pm »
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Hi Alan
Was a member years ago..but lost contact..Machines went caput
Got to post 15 quickly so that I have the opportunity of "seeing" who I am posting to and commenting

Will be immediately back
I Know Alan and Tim M...have not met Baram as yet

Tim and myself were discussing the Google pics about 2-3 years ago

To answer "The Needlers" comment Beer Chug above.That land is privately owned and Alan and Baram could not get the owner to permit they putting foot on his property..Needless to say that THEY had already approached this bloke to "consolidate the understanding" .. Circle

If the attachment comes up..You will see what "THEY" can do to anyone's computer images..This happened yesterday just after I found this site..Where are you  guys located??..I would guess the UK. Bang Head

How does one post another on the same day..Everything is just been added to the first posting Hello
Is it one post per day for the "Newbies" ?

I see the image I uploaded did not appear. Clapp
It was a three year old Google image and showed MUCH greater definition that the latest one Detecting
Google Fight has most definately been tampering with "nature" and historical truth. Teach
I try something else in 'next post'

Ps..I see my footer is not appearing....sheesh(no smiley for that  :- )


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British and Welsh History..But I repeat myself.

Offline GoldDigger1950
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« Reply #39 on: November 17, 2009, 08:36:42 pm »
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Quote:Posted by Troedyrhiw
Hi Alan
Was a member years ago..but lost contact..Machines went caput
Got to post 15 quickly so that I have the opportunity of "seeing" who I am posting to and commenting

Will be immediately back
I Know Alan and Tim M...have not met Baram as yet

Tim and myself were discussing the Google pics about 2-3 years ago

To answer "The Needlers" comment Beer Chug above.That land is privately owned and Alan and Baram could not get the owner to permit they putting foot on his property..Needless to say that THEY had already approached this bloke to "consolidate the understanding" .. Circle

If the attachment comes up..You will see what "THEY" can do to anyone's computer images..This happened yesterday just after I found this site..Where are you  guys located??..I would guess the UK. Bang Head

How does one post another on the same day..Everything is just been added to the first posting Hello
Is it one post per day for the "Newbies" ?

I see the image I uploaded did not appear. Clapp
It was a three year old Google image and showed MUCH greater definition that the latest one Detecting
Google Fight has most definately been tampering with "nature" and historical truth. Teach
I try something else in 'next post'

Ps..I see my footer is not appearing....sheesh(no smiley for that  :- )

Nobody is doing anything here to your image. It has to be smaller than the 1Megabyte limit or it goes to zero length. Junior members can post as often as they like but must space their posts out by at least a few minutes to keep from appearing as a flood to the forums.

Welcome aboard from Australia! This is a fascinating topic and I look forward to seeing your picture.


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It's all about that moment when metal that hasn't seen the light of day for generations frees itself from the soil and presents itself to me.
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