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« on: June 26, 2010, 06:31:08 pm »
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Hi Everyone,

If anyone could shed some light on this matter it would be much appreciated.

To refresh the history; in 1971, part of an archaeology team from a college in California.

A man in southern California discovered a cap stone of sorts underneath about 15 inches of soil on his property. When he had uncovered the stone in its entirety, it measured about 6 feet long by 4 feet wide and weighed about 1900 pounds.

He realized that it seemed there was an empty void beneath the stone, but he was unable to lift it.
His suspicion was that he had an ancient Indian burial site on his property.
He called the college, they sent four other men plus myself to check it out. We got there and came to a strong conclusion that it was indeed an ancient burial site.

We arranged with the man, for our archaeology team to come out, lift the stone and check out the site. 
Three days later, we arrived on site and began.

We lifted the stone, and discovered that it covered the entrance to a man made underground complex of
4 rooms with a total area about 35 feet by 50 feet with stone walls, beams, ceiling and floor which had actual rain drainage grooves cut in it which led into an underground stream.
Inside each of the rooms, were metallic sheets which later turned out to be a variation of aluminum.

Each of these sheets had diagrams of
* flying craft,
* incredibly detailed star charts,
* designs for buildings,
* pictures of various surgeries being performed
* One of the pictures even showed these men walking among dinosaurs.
The language on the sheets looked familiar, but none of the language experts could decipher them.
The best guess was that it may have been a very, very old language.
Skeletal remains were about 9 feet in height.
We found the skeletal remains of three of these beings.

We also found down there, what appeared to be clear plastic cubes, yet when you exposed them to fire they got icy cold and when you placed them in ice water, they would get very hot.
One of the team contacted the local police to ask if they could guard the site.

The very next day, two U.S. Army officers, a major and a captain arrived with 8 army troops and seized the land from us.
Within days, the property was gutted and filled with   
fresh soil. Overnight, someone broke into our staff office and stole all the pictures and artifacts we'd collected.


This is very interesting, is there anyone from that area that could confirm the above.




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« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2010, 07:05:42 pm »
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Hey cs think this is the article that got the ball rolling. I looked into last year and was unable to find a  William Gorentz, Ph.D. ever associated with any Cal collage over the last 50 years. In my opinion its just a hoax, conspiracy theory, joke who knows bunch of kids having fun one Saturday night.


Here is a first hand report of a coverup of lost
technology in the USA.

Dave, who is on my newsletter list, received this
testimony direct from the man concerned, Dr William
Gorentz, who was personally involved, documented it
in a letter to Dave Schloss, who passed it direct
to me.

Dr Gorentz writes:
I was surprised to hear from someone, asking about
my discovery all these years since the U.S.
government came to my site and closed us down,
confiscating all that we'd found.
To refresh the history; in 1971, I was I was part
of an archaeology team from a college in California.

A man in southern California discovered a cap stone
of sorts underneath about 15 inches of soil on his
property. When he had uncovered the stone in its
entirety, it measured about 6 feet long by 4 feet
wide and weighed about 1900 pounds.

He realized that it seemed there was an empty void
beneath the stone, but he was unable to lift it.
His suspicion was that he had an ancient Indian
burial site on his property.
He called the college, they sent four other men
plus myself to check it out. We got there and came
to a strong conclusion that it was indeed an
ancient burial site.

We arranged with the man, for our archaeology team
to come out, lift the stone and check out the site.
Three days later, we arrived on site and began.

We lifted the stone, and discovered that it covered
the entrance to a man made underground complex of
4 rooms with a total area about 35 feet by 50 feet
with stone walls, beams, ceiling and floor which
had actual rain drainage grooves cut in it which
led into an underground stream.
Inside each of the rooms, were metallic sheets
which later turned out to be a variation of

Each of these sheets had diagrams of

* flying craft,
* incredibly detailed star charts,
* designs for buildings,
* pictures of various surgeries being
The language on the sheets looked familiar, but
none of the language experts could decipher them.
The best guess was that it may have been a very,
very old language.
Skeletal remains were about 9 feet in height.
We found the skeletal remains of three of these

We also found down there, what appeared to be clear
plastic cubes, yet when you exposed them to fire
they got icy cold and when you placed them in ice
water, they would get very hot.
One of the team contacted the local police to ask
if they could guard the site.

The very next day, two U.S. Army officers, a major
and a captain arrived with 8 army troops and seized
the land from us.
Within days, the property was gutted and filled with
fresh soil. Overnight, someone broke into our staff
office and stole all the pictures and artifacts we'd

When I challenged the army officers about what they
were doing, the major looked at me and said, ?It
would be a shame to have to kill you right here and
Nobody can tell me that the U.S. government is not
covering up the fact that thousands of years ago
there was a very advanced culture in North America.

One of the pictures even showed these men walking
among dinosaurs.
Seven years ago, I used the Freedom of Information
Act and got nowhere. I even gave them the names of
the army officers and was told there were never
any officers with those names.
There is a major cover-up taking place, and it's not
just the U.S. government, but the New World Order
covering up these facts.

It is disturbing that true science gets muted and
stifled by the government.

Respectfully: William Gorentz, Ph.D.


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« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2010, 07:24:09 pm »
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I myself think man has been around longer then some think.

I think at one time we were smarter then we currently are and things went wrong some how.

Some things being found are just out of place.



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« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2010, 08:19:41 pm »
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hello seldom,

Thank you for the information.

He mentioned Police, i wonder if they would have any record - then again it is mentioned to be a hoax.



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« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2010, 10:42:01 am »
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I dony know anything about that But i do like the story.


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« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2010, 04:58:11 pm »
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This story is typical of black opps US Government officials covering up evidence of alien presence on this planet.  They typically frighten citizens with death and are not above the law in doing so...they are the law.  Giants use to roam the surface of our planet, man is much older than what we have been told.  Officials come in and scoop up all the evidence.  They break into offices and homes and steel evidence.  The Smithsonian Institute is one of the culprits used to confiscate artifacts for so called "study".  Once taken away from the site it is never seen again.  This has been going on since the creation of these government controlled scientific institutions.  Yes the Global Elite is responsible for hiding mountains of evidence that doesn't jive with "their" version of history.  This is Orwellian Newspeak at its best.


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« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2010, 06:05:46 pm »
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Like a little conspiracy with your treasure Joe


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« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2010, 08:59:55 pm »
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Aliens have recently been found in Arizona too. They were arrested and sent back to Mexico.


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« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2010, 09:05:14 pm »
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Quote:Posted by salvor6
Aliens have recently been found in Arizona too. They were arrested and sent back to Mexico.

OOOH Man hope BA is OK o wait he is an Aggie not an alien I'm bad.


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« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2010, 09:49:27 pm »
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Military is told by high ranking politicians what to do or not to do on this subject . Military is just following orders . The politicians know releasing this secret information might not be good , and it mostly involves whatever benefits the politicians life or fat Wallet !!! National Security , Big Banks, Economy , CIA , Government Officials , [money is linked to everything] . Most people already know something is and has been going on for sometime now with the paranormal , ufo's , aliens that might be from outer space [not Mexico]  Shocked . Or maybe this could all be part of big front "A Diversion" to keep us all from seeing something much much Bigger . Me I just like to keep my strong faith as a Christian and Hope/Pray for everyone's "LONG" future on our Planet Earth !! 



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« Last Edit: August 03, 2010, 08:45:45 am by Eugene52 »

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