DELTA PULSE 2 settings : Mybe HELPFULL....
important ( In running, the device applies an alternating high voltage amplitude
up to 1000 volts dangerous to humans. Therefore, it is desirable to take precautions, do not touch the connector pins of the coil and the legs of the FET switched device. )
1) Hold the face before turning on your device and search the title of "Power"
(NOISE) received a minimum resistance of the pot.
2) Turn on your device.
3) "Power" (NOISE) Learn pot to the maximum resistance
4) "Gain" (GAIN) to center the pot
5) "Signal" (SIGNAL) received a minimum resistance of the pot.
6) "Sensitivity" (SENS) to center the pot.
7) "Threshold" (TRSHOLD) to center the pot.
In this case must come constantly warning sound from your device. Here
Article 10 is ok as you can now. If the warning sound can not be arrived at 9am.
Read agent.
9) If you do not hear sound from your device "Gain" (GAIN) pot slowly
towards the minimum of resistance until the sound. Sound
When you start coming now Article 10. If the "Gain" (GAIN)
sound from the device while you bring up the pot to a minimum of resistance
your device is damaged.
10) written so far everything is ok so the pot setting devices
If you currently make cooing sounds as disconnected devices "Reset" (TINA)
briefly press the release button. So far the problem or Article 12 of the
You can now. If your device does not sound any time interrupted or cut
then again if they start crowing apply Article 11 itself.
11) "Reset" (TINA) the state does not cut any audio device that you press the button
or cut off after a short time if it begins to spontaneously sing "Gain"
(GAIN) Turn off your device in the direction of the pot a little maximum resistance
5-10 seconds then turn it back on. Process step 8 starting from operations
12) "Reset" (Tina) You press the button and the sound was cut up everything here
ok. Now we'll fine-tune your device. This setting how thin
You can do so if the device works fine. "Threshold" our final pot slow
slow "ticking" sound until he lower the threshold
We begin. When we leave our device "ticking" sound came from. A while
the "ticking" sound is automatically interrupted again until it is sound
We translate. "Knock, knock" sound continuously until "Threshold" (TRSHOLD)
We reduce our value. "Knock, knock" sound is continuously coming to start as soon as
We leave. Then the "Threshold" (TRSHOLD) our value from the constant "ticking"
We turn our voices VERY slowly counterclockwise until interrupted.
Sounds so as soon as the cut "the voice came from the future ha ha" we leave. Is This
If you catch the point of how sensitive the device works so sensitive.
So far everything is okay if you geçebilis process step 13. If
"Threshold" (TRHOLD) value even when you reduce to a minimum "ticking"
If the sound is constantly breaking self "Threshold" (TRHOLD) maximum value
take the value "Gain" (GAIN) to the pot a bit minimum of resistance
The correct translation. Again began to hear sound "Reset" (TINA) button
Press and ischemia step of 12 'to continue as from.
13) Now we are ready to use your device in the air. In this case, if small
If you are using title ( coin ) 't supposed to detect from 35-40. Is This
Make the air a little test. If the single currency is a less than 25cm
Review your actions if you perceive from again.
14) So far everything is ok your device search titles slow
slowly closer to the ground. If you land on a metal or if the
In terms of soil mineral-heavy device will start crowing.
Your device does not come with a warning sound device to hold the soil ready for use
means. Continuous warning sound if you turned to land on your device
process steps if you come 15 'i read.
15) Make sure that there is no metal in the earth's surface, then
device in soil processing stage 10 'to repeat turning operations.
Still does not know how to shut up your device or territory has a metal or
Search the excess minerals will surface. To get rid of this effect
"Signal" (SIGNAL) pot maximum resistance from the minimum of resistance
the correct position until the noise stops slowly turn the sound is cut off
Leave now and then on again after 5-10 seconds off your device and process
Repeat the procedure from step 9.
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« Last Edit: February 22, 2015, 05:59:56 am by cool2010 »