It really doesn't matter. The 555 (all varieties) rely on a handful of passive external parts to work. It doesn't change its operation with external active components. Anyone who tells you that it does isn't bothering to read the spec on the parts. The ONLY difference is power consumption. Period.
I'll make this very clear. It is an independently functioning part, unilke many others. It just works and sends out a known pulse repetition of the proper type as designed. All types of 555 have elements of CMOS in them and some are 100% CMOS. All perform the same. The only difference is that for battery powered circuits, the CMOS types are best. That being said, there is an advantage to the hybrids. They are far more robust and far more immune to spurious spikes in a circuit. Many engineers I know prefer them for that reason. Your next solar flare could destroy your detector.
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« Last Edit: January 29, 2018, 05:50:24 am by GoldDigger1950 »
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