Having successfully put together a pin pointer kit from easytreasure.co.uk, I decided to go to the next level and buy a more advanced kit from SilverDog.co.uk. I decided to buy two kits, just to make sure I have a spare part in case something goes wrong.
The pin pointer was a breeze in comparison, but so far I don't think I have damaged anything while soldering the SURF PI 1.2 components.
Since electronics is a recently acquired hobby for me, I decided to buy a Solder Practice Kit so I would at least have a little training. The Theramin kit I soldered and assembled last year was a complete disaster.
I would like to share some of the things which are not immediately evident if you are purchasing the SURF PI 1.2 kit.
I have been searching and searching for a good coil tutorial but the problem is that even when I found a good tutorial, I couldn't get the exact type of wire called for. Jaycar Electronics here only had 0.63mm enamelled copper wire so I was faced with having to do my own calculations in regards to coil size and how many turns. With only a patchy grasp of the formulas I ended up just using my best guess.
From additional research I have come to the conclusion that the easiest solution for me would be to solder a Minelab type connector plug to the control box and buy a coil from one of the many manufacturers that makes Minelab compatible coils.
Of course every spare dollar in our house is currently going to school uniforms and school shoes, school fees, not to mention the usual credit card bills, rent, utilities, petrol, groceries, and bla bla.
So if I want to test out my SURF PI 1.2 when it is finished I am probably going to have to make my own coil.
I made one with 18 turns shaped into a 160mm*190mm oval. As mentioned above it is 0.63mm enamelled copper wire.
Posted on: January 28, 2015, 06:28:15 pm
The coil there is sitting in the coil housing from the defective Gold Snoop Pro I took a hack saw to.
Posted on: January 28, 2015, 06:36:18 pm
Quick update, from today's research:
I've now worked out that my coil's inductance is around 352 microhenry [µH].
I used the coil calculator that is available for download on the Geotech1 forum. The results there are in milliHenrys, so 0.352 mH.
From what I gather this is ok for use with the SURF PI 1.2
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« Last Edit: January 28, 2015, 07:51:39 pm by jackofdiamonds »