Yesterday (Sat.) I participated in an organized treasure hunt in Caroline county
Va... Most of the targets planted were civil war bullets and other misc. war items, there were a number of tokens planted. Prizes included 4 detectors and other items. I didn't win anything but did find the following: 54 civil war bullets, 1 eagle button, 1966 canadian penny, 1975 memorial penny, 10 colonial era flat buttons (not planted) and 35 pieces of scrap metal.. All total I recovered 102 items during the timed two 2 hr hunts. I used my Minelab SE Pro with the pro coil, it did quite well and recovery time and pin pointing was real good. I did notice I was recovering items much quicker than many people using pin pointers. My digging tool was a straight shovel about 40 inches long, the spade is about 9 inches long and 5 inches wide (spoon shaped blade). Using this required a lot less bending over and made flipping planted targets out pretty easy. I did meet a lot of interesting people, one guy had a 45 caliber auto pistol on his side
. As for me, I'd rather been hunting real sites. I did see about 3 ladies competing and some children which was neat.
happy hunting........John in Va..
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