they done it again.
from the Weekly Times
Victorian Government wants
small miners to pay $900,000
for grass removal
CHRIS McLENNAN, The Weekly Times
August 17, 2016
VICTORIA’S expensive ban on tree removal has extended
to grass. Three goldminers have been told to pay
$900,000 to the Victorian Government to search for gold
on about 15 hectares of public land.
The treeless and badly eroded land at Talbot in central
Victoria has been grazed by sheep for more than a century.
Yet the Government’s biodiversity experts want a
minimum of $900,000 for replacement native vegetation
offsets because the removal of native grass, which would
occur during mining, risks the future of the rare Lowly
Greenhood orchid.
“The orchid is not here, has probably never been here,”
said Carisbrook farmer and prospector Jason Raats.
“There is a small patch seven kilometres away, which
they (the Government) include in their modelling to say it
might be here in the future.
“The ground is only worth about $30,000 at auction and
there is no way there is that much gold there.”
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