Pod cast was fairly interesting but it is more relevant to the USA rather than the UK here in England if you were to search a Municipal Park the Police would end up being called and you would face charges relating to vandalism.
Mostly in the UK we tend to search Farm Land and Beaches, most of the population lived in the country prior to the Industrial Revelution, most towns and cities were walled and quite small however they soon grew in size, But the country towns and villages all had their own fairs and made there own entertainment, goods were transported by pack trains usually donkeys or oxen herded by drovers who traded goods etc. between towns and villages they used set routes and stopped over where they would trade goods etc.
Almost all areas of the UK have a history of Human Activity and once you discover the areas then you can make some significant finds, if you imagine a field close to a village say 1000 years old where some one has lost say one item per year for a thousand years, means there is the possibility of 1000 items to discover, find an area which hosted a local fair or farmers market and you can multiply the lost objects 10 fold in a small area so some research and a lot of luck can equal a very interesting and rewarding hobby.
Most ancient traders and landowners hid there wealth usually in a number of small hoards so if things got difficult and they had to reveal the whereabouts of one lot of money the others would remain safe or so they thought in those times more often or not the robber s)
( would kill the trader or landowner fearing being hung if he was captured the result is that there are hoards of coins still waiting to be discovered all over the United Kingdom and throughout Europe if you are lucky enough
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