In the Analog World Signals/Levels/Voltages/Phase are Variable and Continuously Changing . Only limited as to what a signal can do by Upper and Lower limits of Voltage/Current and Time (Phase).
In the Digital World Signals/Levels/Voltages/Time (Phase) are Variable but only in Discrete Steps. Unlike Analog Signals Digital Signals are bound within only certain parameters.
Basically Digital Signals can only be in one of the following states:
On / Off
High or Higher/ Low or Lower / Positive or Negative or Zero
On time / Or Late
Analog Signals can represent a number of those states at the same time and be meaningful.
Both have Advantages , Disadvantages and Quarks.
Analog by it's nature is Somewhat hard to fully control and Equipment to do so has to be most precise and can be costly. Even so the advantages of representing True Values like Voltages, Phase and Sound are far superior to All but the most expensive Digital Systems. LOL CD Disc and MP3 players are NOT Superior to Analog.
On the other hand Digital Systems are Easier to Process signals into usable signals by means of Sampling in Discrete Steps at high speeds extracting good approximations of a Analog Signal to use.
After Reading All that B.S. the bottom line is The Analog Signal a VLF uses to detect with can be processed using the Digital World to produce a Detectable Target Signal within the Realm of Samples and Time. A digital meter is EASIER to Read and Interpret then a Analog Meter to the Brain. Being Analog in nature our Brains find Analog Sounds Easier to Interpret. At least My Brain does. The Discrete Beeps, Continuous tones only varying in Amplitude and or Frequency produced by a All Digital Machine works to the most parts but I like all the stuff they can't do Analog Can. I like the little Swoosh Warble subtle sounds deference Analog can offer. There's a pile of information in there if you know what to listen for. With a good trained ear you can hear the differences between coin types, Nails, Nails on End, Paper clips a peace of wire or Gold Nuggets and Hot Rocks.
Besides I have a thing about a Computer telling me what and when to dig.
Both have Advantages and Draw backs. Using the Advantages and Abilities of Both Worlds is the Correct Answer.
Homefire. My Story and I'm Sticking With It.
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