2020 State of the Dectorist Union Address
My fellow digaholics. Never before in the history of mankind's endeavors have we been under siege from the seen and from the unseen. Boisterous bad boys have bad mouthed our hobby on an unprecedented scale. Digaholics unjustly given the shaft and a notorious rap. Unfounded accusations of us destroying property, destroying the foundation of our history abound on the internet and in print. Fueled by a jealous and uninformed public. If it was not for metal detectorists how many items would not be gracing our museums; but just rotting away in the earth lost for all time being unavailable to future generations.
On another front we collectively as a group are being herded into smaller and smaller pockets of land and water where we can apply our beloved hobby. Encroachment of lands that may be target enriched environments. Development in the guise of progress is invadable. In response we have gone deeper to ground in more remote and uncharted areas affording us some degree of sanctitude. Rumor has it that archies are now trying to limit us, control us and even possible eradicate our kind!
Even within our own ranks we are covertly being undermined. What makes that even more repulsive is those involved do not even realize the destruction they are letting loose on our great hobby. How you ask? How many times lately have you been out swinging and come across pot holes unfilled, garbage left by holes and rebellious newbies getting into arguments with the general public as they take shovel to manicured lawns on busy streets. A simple solution , part of our rules of ethics and a common sense approach of "always leave a place better then you found it" can alleviate a lot of the public perception that is of a negative prevalent.
Diggers we will flourish, we will rise, we will dig onwards only through education of those entering the hobby or retraining those of long standing that have picked up bad habits along the way!
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