This is few PIX of two markIVB systems built for underwater surveys. The first one has an LCD+keypad to be able to make underground as well as underwater surveys and the second one is a 'blind' configuration. Both have a USB connection to an operator interface on a PC.
You can see the two boxes closed, one box opened and two pix with the details of each board.
Inside the box with its transparent cover, you can see the GPS module at the upper left of the picture.
The last picture is a screen dump of the PC program while reviewing one GPS-based grid file.
Posted on: February 23, 2012, 10:59:43 AM
The fish posted before is currently being tested at sea in Australia and it looks like it correctly behave in the water.
The pictures of this posting are showing :
1. Our last prototype version. It has a cone made of solid aluminum and a VERY solid but adjustable cable attachment. It just needs a pair of fins to be attached to its tail.
2. A fish built by one of our American client based on our design.
Note that all these fishes are designed to carry our sealed sensor container, they are not themselves water-tight.
Posted on: March 26, 2012, 04:18:43 AM
We have now implemented a new mode of GPS plot in our PPM Utility program.
Look at these two alternate methods.
The GPS fixes are plotted in XYZ mode using one of two possible options according to the checkmark 'Draw Circles':
1. Hollow circles whose diameter depends on the field gradient and color depends on the sign of the gradient, Green for positive, red for negative values.
2. Circles of constant diameter filled with a rainbow-type color scale. Hot colors correspond to positive field gradients, cold colors correspond to negative field gradients. Light green shows field gradients close to 0.
In both cases, field gradients with absolute value is less than the Gradient Threshold parameter ($TG) will be displayed with very small circles. See the last picture and compare with the previous ones.
The GPS plot is drawn by default with the maximum scale ratio and panning to completely enclose the full survey grid but, the operator can override this by manually panning and zooming.
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« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 04:10:59 am by willy bayot »